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96 Source language baş saglığı†(((ben hep evdeyim)))Babaannen vefat etmiş annenle babana söyle çok çok geçmiş olsun üzüldüm.türkiyeden selam bay Completed translations condolences Condolencias | |
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36 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". بندار نيك ÙƒÙتار نيك كردار نيك بندار نيك ÙƒÙتار نيك كردار نيك سعوديه Completed translations Goodness of thoughts, goodness of words, goodness of deeds Bontà di pensiero, bontà di parola, bontà di azione Ä°yi düşünce Ä°yi söz Ä°yi davranış Dobrota misli, dobrota govora, dobrota djela Dobrota misli, reÄi i dela. Dobrota misli, dobrota rijeci i dobrota djela ØµÙ„Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„Ø£Ùكار, ØµÙ„Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„ÙƒÙ„Ø§Ù…, ØµÙ„Ø§Ø Ø§Ù„Ø¹Ù…Ù„ Добрина во... | |
262 Source language All about..... How they interpret a particular idea, and how that idea looks on a shirt, determines whether a customer is going to buy, plain and simple. Our job is to stay behind the curtain and seamlessly deliver the Artist's vision to our customers. Our goal is 100 percent satisfaction, to our Artists and our customers. Completed translations Tutto su... Totul despre... | |
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345 Source language Doina, no dia 14 de Setembro não é preciso... Doina, no dia 14 de Setembro não é preciso limpar a casa, nem passar a ferro na quarta-feira seguinte dia 19 de Setembro, porque vou estar de férias. Deverá ir limpar de novo a casa no dia 21 de Setembro. O resto mantêm-se igual. Depois quero combinar consigo e com o seu marido para irem lá a casa tirar as janelas para as limpar, quando for possivel avise-me. Eu pago as horas ao seu marido também.
Obrigada por tudo. Completed translations Doina, pe 14 septembrie nu e nevoie... | |
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