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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Did you make this order for us or is this the one...
Did you make this order for us or is this the one you found to expensive?We would like you to make 1 pcs of bracelet for us , item no 253 would be nice.Will you please give us a price for this before we get to Istanbul?
We hope you will make the earrings that i have listed below 4 pairs.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Best regardsMette

Completed translations
Turkish Bu sipariÅŸi
Source language
English bringing up children
where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently experienced, the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. a good home make this possible , for example by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so .this principle,in fact,underlies all pyschological treatment of children in difficulties with their development,and is the basis of work in child clinics.

Completed translations
Turkish çocuk yetiştirmek
Source language
English Translations-rejected-translation
Sorry, as one of your translations of this text has been already rejected, you are not allowed to submit again another translation.

Completed translations
Romanian Traduceri-respinsă-traduceri
German Ãœbersetzungen-abgelehnt-Ãœbersetzung
Italian Traduzioni-rifiutate-traduzione
Portuguese Traduções-rejeitado-tradução
Spanish Traducciones-rechazado-traducción
Albanian Perkthime-rrefuzim-perkthim
Russian Переводы-отклонение-перевод
Bulgarian преводи-отхвърлени-преводи
Hebrew תיגומים-תרגום-דחוי
Catalan Traduccions-traducció-rebutjada
Turkish Çeviriler-reddedildi-çeviri
Arabic ترجمات _ مرفوضة _ ترجمة
Chinese simplified 翻译-拒绝-翻译
Swedish Översättningar-avvisad-översättning
Dutch Vertalingen-afgewezen-vertaling
Chinese 譯文-被拒絶-譯文
Finnish Käännökset-hylätty-käännös
Esperanto Tradukoj-malakceptitaj-traduko
Croatian Prijevodi-odbaćeno-prijevod
Greek Μεταφράσεις-απόρριψη-μετάφραση
Hindi अनुवाद–अस्वीकृत–अनुवाद
Serbian Prevodi - odbijen - prevod
Lithuanian Vertimai-atmesta-vertimas
Danish Oversættelser-afvist-oversættelse
Japonese 翻訳が拒否されいる翻訳
Polish Tłumaczenia-odrzucone-tłumaczenie
English Translations-re-submit-translation
Hungarian forditások-visszautasitva
Norwegian Oversettelser-forkastet-oversettelse
Estonian Tõlked-tagasi lükatud-tõlge
Korean 번역들-다시-제출-번역
Czech Překlady-opětovné-zadání-překladu
Boisnís Prevodi-ponovno podnoÅ¡enje prevoda
Klingon QInlIj wIlajQo'.
Persian language ترجمه ها-رد شدن-ترجمه
Slovak Preklady - zamietnuté preklady
Afracáinis Vertalings-re-voorlê-vertaling
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) Traduções-rejeitado-tradução
Thai แปล-ซ้ำ-ใหม่
Source language
Spanish El mundo es un escenario. Pero ante Dios, tú eres...
El mundo es un escenario. Pero ante Dios, tú eres el protagonista de tu propia historia. Así que se quien eres y no tengas miedo.
Es un texto que quisiera colocar en una pintura, ojalá alguién pudiera ayudarme a traducir este texto al latín.

Completed translations
Latin Orbis terrarum scaena est
Source language
Swedish Säljer du dessa produkter i rollen som...
Säljer du dessa produkter i rollen som privatperson eller som företagare?

Ingår moms i priset?

Hur många procent består momsen av här i Italien?

Kan Du ge mig ett kvitto på det jag köpt? Vill gärna att momsen också anges, tack.

Kan Du fylla i denna kvittens?

Kan Du skriva under denna kvittens?

Completed translations
Italian Domande
Source language
Greek θα ηθελα να αγορασω ανταλλακτικα αυτοκινητου...
θα ηθελα να αγoρασω ανταλλακτικα αυτοκινητου smart για το καινουριο μου καταστημα ...τιμονι,μοτερ,πορτες φαναρια

Completed translations
Italian Vorrei acquistare pezzi di ricambio...
Source language
Swedish Ånger ger mig viljan att rätta mina felsteg Jag...
Ã…nger ger mig viljan
att rätta mina felsteg
Jag lär av mina misstag
och det är det som håller mig vid liv
Jag går dit livet leder mig
och jag vänder mig aldrig om
det är för en tatuering så den måste varar rätt

Completed translations
Latin Paenitentia voluntatem mihi apportat...
Source language
Danish søg dybt og du vil finde skatten
søg dybt og du vil finde skatten
har brug for at få en latinsk sætning .
det er en latinsk skrift der skal stå på et stengærde i min fortælling og have betydningen når det bliver oversat "søg dybt og du vil finde skatten"

Completed translations
Latin quaere penitus
Source language
Swedish vi tänker sällan på vad vi har, men alltid på vad...
vi tänker sällan på vad vi har, men alltid på vad vi saknar.

Completed translations
English We rarely think about what we have, but always ...
Latin Rare de iis quae habemus...
Source language
Finnish On muitakin maailmoja kuin tämä.
On muitakin maailmoja kuin tämä.
Eli siis lausahdus stephen kingin kirjoista. Lause pitäisi kääntää latinaksi ja itse en siinä ole onnistunut kun en tiedä sanajärjestystä yms. Apu olisi tarpeen!

Completed translations
Latin Alii mundi quam ille quoque exsistunt.
Source language
English Together we stand. Together we will ...
Together we stand. Together we will fight!
It'll be used in an arm of coats as warcry. Thanks!

Completed translations
Latin Una stamus. Una pugnabimus!
Source language
English Protect the love, respect freedom
Protect the love, respect freedom

Completed translations
Latin Amorem protege, libertatem aestima.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
THE FANATIC is someone who has suppressed reasonable doubt about what he wants to accept.

Completed translations
Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle) O FANÁTICO
Source language
Portuguese Amar-te-ei para sempre meu anjinho Amo-te muito...
Amar-te-ei para sempre meu anjinho

Completed translations
Latin Semper te amabo, mi parvule angele.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English life quote
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Quote, som skal bruges til tatovering :)

Completed translations
Hebrew החיים
Source language
French La mort n'est que le milieu d'une longue vie....
Ceci est un dicton illustrant la Sagesse Celte :
"La mort n'est que le milieu d'une longue vie."
La mort est ici, représentée comme un "passage" à mi-chemin d'une très longue vie

Completed translations
Briotáinis N'eo ken 'med ar marv penn-kentañ ur vuhez hir.....
Source language
Bulgarian На вечеря
Писах на Диаволинко да ми купи карта утре. Знаеш ли, той ми липсва, ти също. На морето беше хубаво, утре пак. Обаче гръцкото море ми липсва също. Надявам се, че си добре? Обичам те. Марен
p.s. Антонио каза да ти кажа ciao, тоест здравей. И alora, означава: и така...
mam na vecheria ame.pisah na diavolinko da mi kupi karta utre.znaesh li toi mi lipsva.tisashto. na moreto beshe hubavo.utre pak. obache gr.more mi lipsva sushto. nadiavam se che si dobre? Obicham te. Maren p.s. Antonio kaza ti kaja ciao,t.e.zdravei. I alora oznachava i taka.

Completed translations
Italian На вечеря
Source language
Spanish Oh magnífico Belzebú, rey de los Fríos Infiernos...
Oh magnífico Belzebú, rey de los "Fríos Infiernos" y protector de la humanidad. A ti acudimos convocando tu sagrado nombre.
Este es un texto para un cuento que estoy haciendo de terror.
La escena es un rito donde convocan al demonio Belzebú (ojo, no es Lucifer ni Satanas).
Las palabras "Frios Infiernos" son del lugar que habita Belzebú. Tambien necesito que lo traduzcan al latín.
Gracias por el apoyo.

Completed translations
Latin O magnifice Beelzebub, rex...
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