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Translation - English-Serbian - Be silent he, who gave the benefit...

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กลุ่ม Sentence

Be silent he, who gave the benefit...
Submitted by shmajser
Source language: English Translated by alexfatt

Be silent he, who gave the benefit; let him, who was given the benefit, talk.

May war yield to peace.

I wish to heaven that Quirites wouldn't hear that tribune!

Neka ćuti onaj

Translated by GordanaPuric
Target language: Serbian

Neka ćuti onaj koji je korist dao; neka govori onaj kome je korist data.
Neka rat doprinese miru.
Molim se Nebesima da Kviriti ne počuju tog tribuna!
Validated by maki_sindja - 16 July 2012 12:16