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Translation - Swedish-English - problem behöver åtgärdas

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SwedishFrenchEnglish

กลุ่ม Daily life - Computers / Internet

This translation request is "Meaning only".
problem behöver åtgärdas
Submitted by Frankrike-sverige
Source language: Swedish

problem behöver åtgärdas
Remarks about the translation
J'utilise une imprimante qui ne "parle" que suédois (enfin je crois !), ce qui n'est pas mon cas hélas ! Quand tout se passe bien, pas de problème de communication bien sûr ! Nous vivons en cordiale harmonie. Mais en cas de bug... je ne comprends pas ce qu'elle essaie de me dire... merci de nous aider à rétablir une relation basée sur la compréhension ;^)


Translated by ssr
Target language: English

Problems need to be dealt with
Remarks about the translation
Or in the singular:
A problem needs to be dealt with
Validated by IanMegill2 - 17 November 2007 11:30



17 November 2007 03:38

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
Problems must be dealt with.
It doesn't mean they'll be solved.

17 November 2007 04:39

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Thanks Casper!
BTW, should this really be problems?
There's no s in Swedish needed to indicate the plural form?

CC: casper tavernello

17 November 2007 05:01

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
Yes. Plural of "problem" is "problem".

If it was "the problem"(sing.), it would be "problemet.

17 November 2007 04:52

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Great! Thanks again!

17 November 2007 18:35

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
P.S.: I don't know why I wrote "must" in my first post.
It's need.

17 November 2007 07:08

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
'Problem needs to be dealt with'

17 November 2007 08:31

จำนวนข้อความ: 12396
Yes, that's one thing I was wondering, but apparently "problem" seems to be at its singular form in Swedish, isn't it? (I first used plural for the French version, but I recently edited with singular) Tell me if I was wrong (and I'll edit again) Thanks!

17 November 2007 11:14

จำนวนข้อความ: 8114
I agree with Casper that
'the problem'= problemet,(singular)
and just the swedish word 'problem' is as far as I know either singular or could be both. So that is why I should write ''Problem needs to..', because the origin. text is not telling if it is about one specific problem or a few of them...