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Перевод - Китайский упрощенный -Английский - "这一篇,我想介绍下斯德哥尔摩有趣的公共交通系统。之所以专门写一篇blog介绍这个,有一半是跟偶的工...

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Данный текст доступен на следующих языках: Китайский упрощенный Английский

Категория Письмо / E-mail - Любoвь / Дружба

Добавлено Haval
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Китайский упрощенный

"这一篇,我想介绍下斯德哥尔摩有趣的公共交通系统。之所以专门写一篇blog介绍这个,有一半是跟我的工作“智能交通”有关,还有一半纯粹是我对新鲜事物的好奇心使之。 1、行人与自行车 在斯德哥尔摩的人行横道红绿灯上几乎都有行人按钮以及嘟嘟的声音提示。偶尔有的小路没有红绿灯,汽车也都会礼让行人先过——北京其实也有类似的系统,只..."

Public Transportation in Stockholm

Перевод сделан benstox
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

In this article I wanted to talk about Stockholm's interesting public transportation system. Half of the reason why I wrote a blog especially about this is because it has to do with my work in Transportation and Artificial Intelligence. The other half is because of my curiosity toward new things. 1) Stoplight crosswalks for pedestrians and bicycles are all equipped with a button to press and a beeping noise to notify pedestrians. Sometimes smaller roads don't have traffic lights, but cars will always yield politely to pedestrians. Actually, Beijing has a similar system but...
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The original appears to be unfinished. I translated what there was.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 13 Ноябрь 2009 10:41

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1 Ноябрь 2009 14:11

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Hi Pluie, Cacue, could you please check this translation, we don't have users to vote.

CC: pluiepoco cacue23

1 Ноябрь 2009 18:53

Кол-во сообщений: 1
Actually, there's one modification that I would suggest myself. Change 'Transportation and Artificial Intelligence' to 'Intelligent Transportation'.

4 Ноябрь 2009 17:04

Кол-во сообщений: 4
"智能交通" seems better to be "Intelligent Traffic Control".