Hi bouboukaki
Welcome to cucumis! I think you are relatively new.
The message above was directed to User10 (Christina); she has receaved the message in her inbox too, because I sent her a cc.
She is the Greek expert on cucumis.
The evaluation of new translations goes like this:
A translation is submitted. The expert in the target language (in this case, English) checks if the traanslation makes sense, is gramatically correct etc. But because the expert will often not speak the source language (here: Greek), (s)he will ask all members who speak both languages to give their opinion and vote to say whether the English version matches the Greek version. If that is the case, the expert can validate (accept) the translation.
This seems a very straightforward translation, so I am pretty sure it is fine, but as I don't understand Greek, I would like someone to confirm it