Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language

Target language

Results 33861 - 33880 of about 105991
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Source language
Portuguese brazilian O meu sangue é genuinamente carioca.
O meu sangue é genuinamente carioca.

Completed translations
English My blood is genuinely Carioca.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Аз съм жената в твоите очи, аз мога да сбъдна...
Аз съм жената в твоите очи,
аз мога да сбъдна всичките ти мечти"
американски диалект

Completed translations
English I am the woman in your eyes,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Lithuanian kur jis gyvena
kur jis gyvena

Completed translations
English Where does he live?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew חחחחחח שתיהיה לי בריא עם השטויות שלך ...
חחחחחח שתיהיה לי בריא עם השטויות שלך הרגת אותי .....
kom chłopaka 2.01

Completed translations
English ha ha ha....
Source language
English how are you my little friend
how are you my little friend

Completed translations
Romanian Ce mai faci, micul meu prieten?
10Source language10
Turkish rica ederim biÅŸey deÄŸil
rica ederim biÅŸey deÄŸil

Completed translations
English You are welcome , not at all
French De rien, pas de quoi.
Source language
Russian 44
ХХI век называют веком технологий. Действительно, ни одна конкурентоспособная сфера жизни человека сегодня не может обходиться без высоких технологий. Это особо должно касаться сферы образования. Современным образовательным технологиям, также как и всем высоким технологиям, должны быть присущи следующие характеристики:

Completed translations
Bulgarian 44
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Sei stata felice di cosa ti ho scritto?
Sei stata felice di cosa ti ho scritto?

Completed translations
Romanian Ceea ce ți-am scris te-a făcut fericită?
Source language
English in particular, it adresses the theoretical...
in particular, it adresses the theoretical back-ground, formation and experimental results of existing negative, dielectric based sub-micrometer wave-guides. three categories of retared devises an overview of metallized optical fibers, it relates to metal slot-type waveguides.

Completed translations
Romanian Se adresează, în particular, fondului teoretic...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish insanlık tarihi gerçek manada interneti ilk...
insanlık tarihi gerçek manada interneti ilk olarak 70'li yıllarda sadece birkaç bilgisayar arasında kurulmuş bir bağ olarak tanıdı.internet ilk yıllarında yoğun olarak askeri ve akademik alanda kullanılsa da günümüze bakıldığında sadece 70 yıl geçmiş olmasına rağmen toplumun her kesimi için vazgeçilmez bir teknoloji olmuştur.

Completed translations
English In real terms, the history of humanity
Source language
Spanish D. es muy alegre
D. es muy alegre
D = female name

Completed translations
Swedish D. är mycket gladlynt
Source language
German Guten Tag und Auf Wiedersehen. Zwei Seiten ein...
Guten Tag und Auf Wiedersehen.
Zwei Seiten ein und derselben Begegnung.
Fransösisch aus Frenkreich

Admin's note :

Completed translations
French Bonjour
English Good day and Good Bye...
Spanish Buenos dias
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian Să ai vise plăcute şi pufoase
Să ai vise plăcute şi pufoase, să ai o noapte bună călduroasă, să te gândeşti în vis la mine, la tot ce însemn eu pentru tine. Tu mă iubeşti, eu te iubesc şi fără tine nu trăiesc. Eu pe tine te mai sărut, somn uşor şi vis plăcut

Completed translations
English I wish you sweet and serene dreams...
Source language
Dutch Het begin van een nieuw leven, ontroerend mooi...
Het begin van een nieuw leven,
ontroerend mooi en klein.
Het is eigenlijk niet te beschrijven,
hoe blij en gelukkig we met ons kindje zijn.

Completed translations
English The beginning of a new life, ...
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