Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
Portuguese Depois de nós só o dilúvio
Depois de nós só o dilúvio

Completed translations
Latinh Post nos solum diluvium
Source language
Portuguese existimos para servir e, ser servidos
existimos para servir e, ser servidos

Completed translations
Latinh Exsistimus ut servamus et serviti simus
Source language
French juste pour que tu ne m'oublies pas, ...
juste pour que tu ne m'oublies pas, bisous puce, tu me manques déjà trop.
"puce" dans le sens ma petite chérie

Completed translations
Romanian tocmai pentru că nu mă uiţi pupici scumpico
Swedish ..bara för att du inte ska glömma mig.
Spanish Te echo mucho de menos
Lithuanian Tik tam, kad manęs neužmirštum...
Source language

Completed translations
Latinh Faciamus vivere donec sumus in vita
Source language
English Then imitate the action of the tiger.
Then imitate the action of the tiger.
This is a quote from Shakespeare's Henry V from a speech before going into war to spur the soldiers on. It could be seen as a command or mantra.

If anyone could translate this into Khmer would be appreciated.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Тогава имитирайте действието на ...
Arabic ثم قلد حركات النمر
Hebrew אז יסתער לפעול כמו נמר.
Latinh Deinde imitare actionem tigridis
Tiếng Việt Hãy bắt chÆ°á»›c hành Ä‘á»™ng của con cọp.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Você é especial, te adoro.
Você é especial, te adoro.
Eu gostaria que algum colega pudesse traduzir para o alemao, por favor... Grato pela informacao!!!

Completed translations
English You are special, I adore you.
Greek Είσαι ξεχωριστή, σε λατρεύω.
French Tu es spécial, je t'adore.
Latinh Es extraordinarius, te adoro
Source language
Danish Du vil aldrig glemmes
Du vil aldrig glemmes

Completed translations
Latinh Numquam obliviscaris
Source language
Portuguese "o mundo sou eu"
"o mundo sou eu"

Completed translations
Latinh mundus ego sum
48Source language48
English Blandeur by Kay Ryan: Poetry
Kay Ryan


If it please God,
let less happen.
Even out Earth's
rondure, flatten
Eiger, blanden
the Grand Canyon.
Make valleys
slightly higher,
widen fissures
to arable land,
remand your
terrible glaciers
and silence
their calving,
halving or doubling
all geographical features
toward the mean.
Unlean against our hearts.
Withdraw your grandeur
from these parts.
Une amie m'a parler de ce poème et de son auteur, elle m'a conseiller de lire celui-là. J'ai un niveau trop faible en anglais pour le comprendre alors je fais appelle à des experts comme vous ^^. Je vous remercie

Completed translations
French Fadeur par Kay Ryan: Poésie
Source language
Portuguese vença a si próprio
vença a si próprio

Completed translations
English Defeat yourself!
German Besiege dich selbst!
Italian Vinci te stesso
Latinh Vince te ipsum
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Pai,meu amor eterno! Minha mãe é minha vida!...
Pai,meu amor eterno!
Minha mãe é minha vida!
Meu pai, meu anjo!

Completed translations
Spanish ¡Padre, mi amor eterno!
Italian Padre, mio amore eterno!
Latinh amor meus aeternus
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian pai aor eterno
Pai,meu amor eterno!
Minha mãe é minha vida!
Meu pai, meu anjo!

Completed translations
English Father, my eternal love!
Latinh Pater, meus aeternus amor!
20Source language20
Danish Jeg ønsker mig et godt og tryg liv med dig...
Jeg ønsker mig et godt og tryg liv med dig ..Venter på dig .. Ingen anden vil få mit hjerte, kun dig Serdar, du er mit et og alt, din engel, kyss.

Completed translations
English I want a good and happy life with you
Turkish Dansk-Tyrkisk - jeg ønsker mig et godt og tryg liv med dig...
Latinh Desidero bonam et beatam vitam
Source language
Danish Jeg er ikke bange for at dø, men jeg er fandens...
Jeg er ikke bange for at dø, men jeg er fandens bange for ikke at leve.

Completed translations
Latinh angor meus
Source language
Danish Evig kærlighed på latin
1. I kærlighed for evigt

2. For evigt og altid

3. Elsker for evigt
ad 3) bemærk nutidsformen

Completed translations
Latinh Amor aeternus
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew מה יהיה איתך? לא נשמע ממך יותר? אני מקווה שאתה...
מה יהיה איתך? לא נשמע ממך יותר? אני מקווה שאתה עושה חיים! מגעגע אלייך אחי!
homem para homem

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian O que vai acontecer com você?
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