Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Ciao, come stai? Benissimo, e tu? Questa è Eva,...
Ciao, come stai?
Benissimo, e tu?
Questa è Eva, una mia amica spagnola che parla benissimo l'italiano.
Ah, si? Io, invece purtroppo non parlo lo spagnolo.

Completed translations
Bulgarian Диалог
Greek Γεια, πως είσαι; Μια χαρά, εσύ; Αυτή είναι η Εύα,...
English A Dialogue
Albanian Një dialog
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bulgarian Интернет е голямо изобретение през последните 100...
Интернет е голямо изобретение през последните 100 години.Той е средство за общуване,комуникации,пазаруване,резервации и много други.Той е начин на живот.Но има и други големи изобретения в последните 100 години-космически пътувания,силата на атомната енергия,лечение на болести и други.

Completed translations
English The Internet
Source language
Turkish Birden aşk kadını mı kesildin başımıza?
Birden aşk kadını mı kesildin başımıza?

Completed translations
French Tu es soudainement devenue la femme de l'amour?
10Source language10
Turkish rica ederim biÅŸey deÄŸil
rica ederim biÅŸey deÄŸil

Completed translations
English You are welcome , not at all
French De rien, pas de quoi.
Source language
Arabic مرحبا، لقد قمت بانشاء ملف تعريف خاص بي على...

لقد قمت بانشاء ملف تعريف خاص بي على Netlog مع صور، ملفات فيديو، مدونات ومناسبات خاصة بي واريد اضافتك كصديق لتتمكن من رؤيتها. عليك اولا التسجيل على Netlog! عند التسجيل، يمكن انشاء ملف التعريف الخاص بك.


Completed translations
English Netlog Profile
Source language
Latinh quibus omnibus rebus permoti,equites,qui ab...
quibus omnibus rebus permoti,equites,qui ab civitate ad Caesarem missi venerant,a multitudine hostium nostra castra deleta esse et legiones paene circumventas esse crederu

Completed translations
English Moved by all these events, the ...
Romanian Tulburaţi de toate aceste evenimente, cavalerii...
Spanish Motivados por todos aquellos eventos
Italian equites
Source language
English may i know ur good name please ?
may i know ur good name please ?

Completed translations
Turkish güzel isminiziöğrenebilir miyim lütfen?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish saludos!!!!!!!!
Bueno tuve que investigar un poco acerca de tu idioma, espero me entiendas algo, con todo habra modos de traducir
ingles americano

Completed translations
English Greetings!!!!!!!!
Turkish Kutlama !!!!
Source language
Portuguese Não existe uma vida feliz... Existem apenas...
Não existe uma vida feliz... Existem apenas momentos felizes.

Completed translations
Turkish mutlu bir
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Spanish espero q sepas español,
espero q sepas español,

Completed translations
Turkish İspanyolca bildiğini umarım,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
This credit card has been denied by the bank that issued your credit card. For details on why your card was denied, please contact your credit card issuer's customer service department. Or, you may want to try adding a different credit card.

Completed translations
Turkish EBAY Cevabı
Source language
French Tu m'appelles quand ?
Tu m'appelles quand ?
Merci pour cette traduction !

Completed translations
Serbian Kada ćeš me zvati?
Source language
Turkish yanlış düşünüyorsunuz öyle bir şey yok eğer öyle...
yanlış düşünüyorsunuz, öyle bir şey yok, eğer öyle olsaydı bana siz niye türkçe yazılar yazmıyorsunuz.Kızla gerçekleri anlatın.

Completed translations
Serbian Niste u pravu. Nema takvo nešto...
Source language
French Parfois, j'ai peur que tu n'aies pas la patience...
Parfois, j'ai peur que tu n'aies pas la patience d'attendre pendant les semaines où je ne suis pas là
merci à maki_sindja pour toutes les traductions qu'il (qu'elle) me donne ! merci encore pour votre aide

Completed translations
Serbian Ponekad se plašim da nemaš strpljenja da čekaš nedeljama dok nisam ovde.
Source language
Swedish Jag vet att jag inte kan ditt språk men jag vill...
Jag vet att jag inte kan ditt språk men jag vill att du ska älska mig för den jag är

Completed translations
Serbian Znam da ne znam tvoj jezik, ali želim da me voliš zbog onoga što sam ja.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
German Für wohnung
Ich habe bei der Berechnung ihres Mietanteils einen Fehler gemacht, weil ich erst jetzt gesehen habe, dass noch eine Schwester bei Ihnen lebt. Deshalb muss die Miete durch fünf geteilt werden, was für Sie und Ihren Ehemann einen Beitrag von Fr. 524.00 pro Monat ergibt (2/5). Es geht nicht an, dass Sie und Ihr Ehemann mehr bezahlen müssen. Diese Aufteilung wird nach den schweizerischen Richtlinien für Miete immer so gemacht. Gerne hoffe ich, dass sich bald eine Lösung abzeichnet und Sie und Ihre Ehemann endlich eine eigene Wohnung finden. Ich werde mein möglichstes tun und wünsche Ihnen viel Glück.

Completed translations
Serbian Za stan
Source language
English What do you got going for you other ...
What do you got going for you other than your looks?

What do you want to be when you grow up? I mean, you could be anything with no chance of failure what would it be?

Don’t get too crazy! Allright?

Don't get any ideas sweetie … none

your nose wiggles when you talk

How do you hang out with this girl? You know, you can dress her up, but you cant take her anywhere.

Completed translations
Romanian Ce alte avantaje ai, în afară de ...
Source language
French Vous nous avez adressé une demande ...
Vous nous avez adressé une demande de prestations. Nous avons donc étudié vos droits à partir du 01.09.2008. Pour 2008, la C.A.F. simplifie vos démarches! Une seule déclaration suffit : celle des impôts. La C.A.F. récupère vos revenus pour calculer vos droits.
<edit> with diacritics + spaces after dots</edit> (10/14/francky)

Completed translations
Romanian Ne-aţi adresat o cerere ...
Source language
Italian Sono come te .Nulla ci divide,anche se ai tuoi...
Sono come te .Nulla ci divide,anche se ai tuoi occhi tutto può sembrare diverso.Io ho accettato te e amo tutto di te e desidero che capisci che nel mio cuore vivono solo le cose semplici e vere.Non mettere ostacoli,non esitare,se hai sentimenti per me dimostralo,voglio solo la tua felicità e sono qui per esserti vicino ..anche se le mie lacrime non sono riuscite a fartelo capire.Ti voglio bene non dimenticarlo mai

Completed translations
Romanian Sunt ca tine. Nimic nu ne desparte, chiar dacă în ...
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