Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

Tìm kiếm
Source language

Target language

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Source language
Swedish Rostfri kärlek
Rostfri kärlek

Completed translations
English Rust-proof love
Source language
Turkish Sezen aksudan 2 dize
Yapacak hiçbir şey yok gitmek istedi gitti
Hem anlıyorum hem çok acı tek taraflı bitti

Completed translations
English of Sezen aksu 2 dize
Dutch Er is niets aan te doen
54Source language54
French les oiseaux
Bonjour ,

Je voudrais connaître le prix des colliers panache bleu et vert , de quelle mutation s' agit-il ?

Forpus : Avez - vous des falow bleu ? quel est leur prix ?

Avez - vous des panache bleu ou vert ? quel est leur prix ?

En autre couleur qu' avez- vous ? les prix ?

Expediez- vous en France ?

Pour les colliers ou pennants , je me rendrai en Belgique fin août.


NB : "falow"is a term for "Agapornis Roseicollis"
(one from the many parrots species)

Completed translations
Dutch De vogels
Source language
English to optimise the capability of the IT...
to optimise the capability of the IT infrastructure and supporting organisation to deliver a cost effective and sustained level of availability that enables the business to satisfy its objectives

Completed translations
Turkish to optimise the capability of the IT
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian Я не понемаю что ты пишешь,это даже не...
Я не понемаю что ты пишешь,это даже не английский!!!!
yes ? -что это означает?я считаю что ты меня оскорбляешь!
Я не понемаю что ты пишешь,это даже не английский!!!!
-что это означает?я считаю что ты меня оскорбляешь!

Completed translations
Turkish yazdığını anlayamam
Source language
English Ahmet and me are on the job we will fix this asap
Ahmet and me are on the job we will fix this asap

Completed translations
Turkish Ahmet ve ben
Source language
Bulgarian Капката дълбае камъка не със сила, а с постоянство.
Капката дълбае камъка не със сила, а с постоянство.

Completed translations
English A drop hollows out
Turkish Damla taşı, kuvvet ile değil, süreklilikle oyar
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Portuguese Nunca desista de uma amizade ...
Nunca desista de uma amizade ou de um grande amor só porque a distância os separou; seja paciente com o sol e a lua pois quando se encontram formam um dos fenômenos mais belos do universo."
Nunca desista de uma amizade ou de um grande amor só porque a distância os separou; seja paciente com o sol e a lua pois quando se encontram formam um dos fenômenos mais belos do universo."♥♥♥♥

Completed translations
English Never give up love or friendship
Turkish asla bir arkadaşı ve bir sevgiliyi ...
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
French tu es la plus belle femme qui soit
tu es la plus belle femme qui soit
I edited "tu es la belle femme qui soit" with "tu es la plus belle femme qui soit", as without "plus" the text didn't make any sense...

Completed translations
English You're the most beautiful woman there is
Swedish Kvinnan
Spanish Eres la mujer más bonita que existe
Romanian Tu eşti cea mai frumoasă femeie care există
German Du bist die hübscheste Frau, die es gibt.
Source language
English Subject to the provisions of and so far as may be...
Subject to the provisions of and so far as may be consistent with the Statutes, every director, auditor, Secretary or other officer of the Company shall be indemnified by the Company out of its own funds against and exempted by the Company from all costs, charges, losses, expenses and liabilities incurred by him in the actual or purported execution or discharge of his duties or the exercise or purported exercise of his powers or otherwise in relation to or in connection with his duties,

Completed translations
Bulgarian Съгласно
Source language
Croatian ne odgovori
ne odgovori

Completed translations
French tu n'as pas répondu
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish selam benim adim alper
selam benim adim alper

Completed translations
Swedish hej jag heter alper
Source language
Latinh Arcanum boni tenoris animae
Arcanum boni tenoris animae
Det används som "slogan" på den tjeckiska ölen Starobrno

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Secret of the good trend of the soul
Swedish Hemligheten bakom ett gott humör
Bulgarian Тайната на доброто настроение.
German Geheimnis der guten Laune
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Ainda te amo muito...
Ainda te amo muito...

Completed translations
Dutch Ik houd nog steeds van je
Source language
English An orange moon
I'm an orange moon. And I shine so bright, cause I reflect the light of my sun.
"Jag är en orange måne" för att jag reflekterar ljuset från min sol. Min sol är min kärlek som lyser på mig och som i sin tur får mig att skina! Kärlek förgyller mitt liv.
<edit> "reflekt" with "reflect"</edit> (06/25/francky)

Completed translations
French Une lune rousse
Danish En orangefarvet måne.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sevdim sevdim sevilmedim gülemedim ben
sevdim sevdim sevilmedim gülemedim ben
vertaling nederlands

Completed translations
Dutch ik hield van
Source language
German Wir würden uns über Ihren Auftrag sehr freuen.
Wir würden uns über Ihren Auftrag sehr freuen.

Completed translations
Italian Ci feliciteremmo molto di Suo ordine.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Lithuanian Hey,esu moksleivis studijuoju staliaus...
Hey,esu moksleivis studijuoju staliaus profesija,šiaip pradedantis Dj'us ,vedu šokius ir kitus renginius tačiau tai tik keli litai į kišenę. be galo mėgstu nuoširdumą ,tiesa ir švelnumą. Nemėgstu melo ,puikavimosi ir piktybių. Labai vertinu žmones tiesa sakančius y akis :) Ieškau merginos rimtai draugystei. Na žinoma kiekvienas šia sąvoką supranta skirtingai. Tad pasistengsiu pasakyti konkrečiau :) Ieškau žmogaus kuris visų pirma jaustų simpatiją man ,kuris rimtai galvotų apie ateitį ir kurio prioritetai sietųsi su šeima. Kuris būtų ištikimas ,atviras ,atsakingas ir komunikabilus. Žmogaus kuris pasirengęs su laiku atiduoti 100% savęs ir sulaukti to pačio iš manęs. Žmogaus kuris kada nors suprastu ,kad jis mane myli. Tad jei tu esi tokia parašyk ;)
Mano reprezintacija

Completed translations
English my presentation
Source language
Portuguese brazilian .bob
Os ventos que as vezes tiram algo que amamos, são os mesmos que trazem algo que aprendemos a amar.. Por isso não devemos chorar pelo que nos foi tirado e sim, aprender a amar o que nos foi dado. Pois tudo aquilo que é realmente nosso, nunca se vai para sempre.

Completed translations
Italian .bob
Hebrew בוב
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