Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
. .

Completed translations

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Target language

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Source language
Swedish Den som utgår ifrån att alla andra är korkade är...
Den som utgår ifrån att alla andra är korkade är den som är mest korkad. ;)

Completed translations
English stupid
10Source language10
Turkish Hayat seninle güzel.
Hayat seninle güzel.
I replaced "yaşamak" (to live) with "hayat" (life) because "yaşamak seninle güzel" is not exactly translatable into French.

Completed translations
French La vie est belle avec toi.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Amo mais que minha própria vida
Amo mais que minha própria vida
Amo mais que minha Própia vida

Completed translations
French J'aime plus que ma propre vie.
Source language
Persian language وقت داشتی بیا
وقت داشتی بیا
"Come if you have time" by Ghasemkiani

Completed translations
Swedish Kom, om du har tid.
Source language
English The Tempest
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
William Shakespeare

Completed translations
French la tempête
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sevdim seni
sevdim seni
sevdim seni

Completed translations
Spanish Te he amado.
Source language
Greek και εμείς σε ευχαριστούμε για όλα και τιμή μου...
τιμή μου που σε είχα σύμπαιχτη...σε ευχαριστούμε για όλα...καλή επιτυχία σε ότι κάνεις αδέρφε

Completed translations
Serbian i mi ti se zahvaljujemo
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English why do u want to be my friend so bad? i dont add people i have never met.
why do u want to be my friend so bad? i dont add people i have never met.

Completed translations
Turkish Neden bu kadar...
Source language
Turkish Selam Güzelsin fakat biraz zayıflarsan dahada...
Güzelsin fakat biraz zayıflarsan dahada güzel olucak.
Bide şu gözlüklerden kurtulki güzel gözlerini görelim

Completed translations
English Hello, you are beautiful
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turkish sevgili teyzecigim biz annemle beraber tatil...
sevgili teyzecigim
biz annemle beraber tatil için nevsehirdeyiz.yarın peri bacalarını görmeye gidecegiz.burda üç gün kalacagız.ailece bir hafta sonra seni ziyarete gelecegiz görüsmek üzere hoscakal

Completed translations
English My dear aunt
Source language
Japanese hitori no heya ni mo mou sugu yoru ga kuru...
hitori no heya ni mo mou sugu
yoru ga kuru
shashin de hohoemu kanojo mo
mienaku naru

wasurerareru wakenai
yonroku toki chuu kienai kara
konna ni kanashikute
mamoru beki datta no wa kanojo no sonzai
Biisi on "Romaji". Haluaisinkin tietää mitä biisissä lauletaan! :)

(Romaji : romanized Japanese)

Completed translations
English In a room for one person
Finnish Yhden hengen huoneessa
Source language
Danish Situationsfornemmelse er en fornemmelse, man...
er en fornemmelse,
man først savner,
når den ikke er der.

Completed translations
French La conscience de la situation est un sentiment ....
180Source language180
Japanese Expressions used at work in a convenience store




 ありがとうございます またお越しくださいませ


Nice to meet you.
I am working in convinience store as part-time worker,so i certainly must serve forgien customers at register once or twice at work.
I try to serve them in english,I serve german customers,but many english words could not be out of my idea at that moment.

So i would like to learn expressions used in work in convinience store...

1.I scaned this merchadise twice by mistake...
could i scan it one more time to remove it?

2.Excuse me,I forgot to give the 50 yen discount for this. I'll do it over,really quickly.

3.Would you like the chopsticks in the※bag?
※The bag is plastic shopping bag in this context.

4.The bathroom is the beyond the siver door near the frozen food counter.

5.Your change is 290 yen.Thanks for coming...

6.Would you like the hot drink in a separate bag?

7.Would you like the detergent in a separate bag?

I must have served those who do not speak english at resiter.
I could not serve them(i think,chinese or korean?) very i thought i have to learn these phrases in chinese or korean because there are many people of chinese and korean in japan.
So could you,chinese and korean people help me?
If you can up-load how to pronunce it,i appreciate you.
(Please write in standard dialect with which people from any region,fujian,chang-hai,hong kong...Jeju-d,Anyan...can understand.)

Completed translations
English Working at a convenience store
Portuguese brazilian Trabalho na loja de conveniência
Source language
Danish Der er mange...
Der er mange,
som undrede sig over,
hvorfor jeg gjorde det.
Det burde jeg også selv have gjort.

Completed translations
French Nombreux sont ceux qui se demandaient pourquoi...
English There were many...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
French Avis de déclaration fiscale cirsic 2009
Avis de déclaration fiscale cirsic 2009

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le montant communiqué à l'administration fiscale correspondant aux allocations de retraite complémentaire versées en 2009. Si un rappel vous a été adressé en cours d'année 2009, il est indiqué dans le trimestre du versement.

Paiements intervenus au cours de la période...
Potrebno mi je samo objasnjenje o cemu se radi.

hvala unapred

Completed translations
English Cirsic 2009 Tax Declaration Notice
Serbian Izveštaj o izjavi poreza za 2009
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Dutch storing hoge-/lagedruk blijft tot storing is...
storing hoge-/lagedruk
blijft tot storing is opgeheven
reparatie door koeltechnisch bedrijf

Completed translations
English malfunction
Greek Ένδειξη βλάβης
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