Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Completed translations

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Target language

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Source language
English holts wondarwelt
The product will work on a diesel engine but we recommend that the injectors are left in place.

Completed translations
Turkish Önerimiz
Source language
Persian language من اینجا همشهری دارم؟
من اینجا همشهری دارم؟
Target languages: American or British English,
Turkey, Azeri, Russian

Before edit"Man inja hamshari daram?
as well as the bridge that goes with it : ""Do I have a (fellow) townsman here?""

Thanks to Ghasemkiani who provided the version in Persian characters
as well as the bridge that goes with it : ""Do I have a (fellow) townsman here?""

Completed translations
English Do I have a fellow townsfolk here?
Russian Есть ли у меня здесь сограждане?
Turkish aramak
Source language
Swedish ”Ångra aldrig något som en gång fått dig att le”
”Ångra aldrig något som en gång fått dig att le”

Completed translations
English "Never regret anything that once ...
Latinh Numquam de re doleas...
Source language
Portuguese Cuidamos de sua saúde através da ...
Cuidamos de sua saúde através da criação de uma ampla rede de cuidados. Nossa ideia: promover a vida com qualidade e eficiência.
inglês britânico

Completed translations
English We take care of your health by ...
Latinh Valetudinem tuam curamus ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English Call it what you want.
Call it what you want.

Completed translations
Turkish Bunu nasıl istersen öyle adlandır.
10Source language10
Swedish ”Var inte ständigt rädd att förlora vad som är...
”Var inte ständigt rädd att förlora vad som är ditt.
Det som har bestående värde försvinner inte"

Completed translations
English "Do not constantly be afraid to lose what is ...
Latinh Noli timere continuo ut non priveris ...
Source language
Spanish No uso las manos, uso el intelecto
No uso las manos, uso el intelecto
a lo que me refiero es que "No soy habil con las manos, y que por eso uso la destreza intelectual"

Completed translations
Latinh Noli uti manibus, utere mente
Source language
Portuguese brazilian Eu sou um poderoso centro de força e ...
Eu sou um poderoso centro de força e luz irradiando em todas as direções.
Eu sou a luz de Deus que nunca falha.
Eu sou Luz"

Completed translations
Turkish Asla bozulmadığı Tanrı'nın ışığıyım. Ben...
Greek Εγώ είμαι το Φως.
Latinh Potens origo firmitatis sum ...
Afrikaans krag en lig
Hebrew אני אור
Source language
Người Hy Lạp cổ đại "Ανέγνων, έγνων, κατέγνων..."
"Ανέγνων, έγνων, κατέγνων..."
Και..."Έκων άκων"
Τέλος,"Όπερ έδει δείξαι"
Τί ακριβώς σημαίνουν;;

Completed translations
Greek Διαβασα, εμαθα, κατανοησα
English Famous Phrases
Latinh "Legi, intellexi, condemnavi..."
Source language
English Within each of us, lies the power of our consent...
Within each of us, lies the power of our consent to health and sickness, to riches and to poverty, to freedom and to slavery. It is we, who control these, and not another.
sadece ingilizce anlamındaki gibi, kelime sırasıyla değil, tüm metin olarak aynı anlamı verecek şekilde bir çeviri rica ediyorum. şimdiden cok tesekkür ederim.

Completed translations
Turkish Her birimizin içinde sağlığa ve ...
Latinh In omni nostrum, vis posita est consensus nostri ...
Source language
Polish Piosenka Lwowie
Przed ratuszową bramą-Siedzą kamienne lwy-Wiedzą, że zawsze tak samo-Marzy młodość i kwitną bzy.

Completed translations
English In front of the town hall door...
French La chanson de Lviv
Italian Davanti alla porta del municipio...
Spanish En frente de la puerta del ayuntamiento
Source language
Italian ehi sai che mi sono dimeticata difarti gli aguri...
ehi sai che mi sono dimeticata difarti gli aguri di pasqua sperto divederti per les tate fatte sentire un bacione apresto

Completed translations
Polish hej, wiesz, że zapomniałamzłożyć ci życzenia...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek happy birthday
Χρόνια σου πολλά, Μαράκι. Κι ό,τι επιθυμείς στο κρεβάτι σου να βρεις!
Before edit: "Xronia sou polla Maraki kai oti epi8ymeis sto krevati sou na vreis!"

Completed translations
English happy birthday
Source language
Danish Jeg ved ikke, om jeg bliver anklaget for...
Jeg ved ikke, om jeg bliver anklaget for diskrimination;
men er nogle sprog ikke ret morsomme?

Completed translations
French Je ne sais pas si on va m'accuser de discrimination,
English I do not know if I shall...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Greek Κουκλάρα μου, να περάσεις όσο μπορείς τέλεια
Κουκλάρα μου, να περάσεις όσο μπορείς τέλεια αυτές τις μέρες. Σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα, να φας, να πιεις, να κάνεις τρέλες. Ό,τι το καλύτερο σε σε σένα και στην οικογένεια σου από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου.

Το φιλαράκι σου,
ο Σάκης

Υ.Γ.:Πρόσεχε το κατσίκι γιατί έχει πολλές θερμίδες χααχαχαχχαχαχα, σιγά σιγά, προσοχή.
Before edits: "kouklara mou ,naperaseis oso mporeis telia aytes tis meres sou eyxome ta kalitera,na fas na pieis nakaneis treles,oti to kalitero se sena kai stin oikogenia sou apo ta bathi tis kardias filaraki sou,
p.s prosexe to katsiki giati exei polles thermides xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
siga siga prosoxi"

Completed translations
English Easter Wishes
Source language
French C'est lors d'un de ces moments si délicieux, un...
C'est lors d'un de ces moments si délicieux, un de ceux où son équilibre mental est en jeu, que j'ai peint, par vengeance et pour faire mal, l'insoutenable déguisé comme à son habitude en ce qu'il y a de plus anodin et de plus familier.Ne vous y trompez pas, ce ne sont pas des peintures mais le crachat de l'animal qui se libère, le crachat qui soulage, celui qui transfigure notre haine autophage en joie libératrice.
Ce texte philosophique accompagne une exposition de peintures, le thème étant la violence symbolique du costume cravate.
C'est un texte qui dénonce l'insupportable et la bêtise du genre humain avec un ton acerbe, voir agressif.
J'utilise un néologisme:
"autophage" avec le sens de ce qui se dévore soi-même, composé de deux mots de racine grecque(autos"soi-même" et phagein"manger")
En dialecte anglais britannique.Merci

Completed translations
English It was during one of those such ...
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