Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Dịch - Swedish-English - Jag vill bara vara din vän. var inte ledsen. jag...

Current statusDịch
This text is available in the following languages: SwedishEnglishSerbian

Nhóm chuyên mục Daily life

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Jag vill bara vara din vän. var inte ledsen. jag...
Submitted by Francky5591
Source language: Swedish

Jag vill bara vara din vän. var inte ledsen. jag tycker om dig jättemycket, men kan inte hålla på med två.
Remarks about the translation
översätt gärna på vanliga bokstäver..


Translated by jairhaas
Target language: English

I just want to be your friend. Don't be sad. I like you very much, but I can't be with two at the same time.
Validated by lilian canale - 17 Tháng 8 2010 15:39

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Bài gửi

16 Tháng 8 2010 23:11

Tổng số bài gửi: 1
I just want to be your friend. Don't be sad. I like you very much, but I can't be on both sides at the same time.