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Translation - Nederlands-Romeens - Maria en Vasile Constantin

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: NederlandsRomeens

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Maria en Vasile Constantin
Submitted by ionelpetru
Source language: Nederlands

Maria en Vasile Constantin van de Roemeense stichting "Jesus Hope of the Children" hopen deze dag ook op de verkoping aanwezig te zijn.

Maria ÅŸi Vasile Constantin

Translated by MÃ¥ddie
Target language: Romeens

Maria şi Vasile Constantin de la Fundaţia română „Isus Speranta Copiilor” speră, de asemenea, că vor lua parte la licitaţia din această zi.
Remarks about the translation
Urunghai's bridge, thank you:)
"Maria and Vasile Constantin of the Romanian foundation "Jesus Hope of the Children" hope to attend the (public) sale this day as well."

Fundaţia Creştină Isus Speranţa Copiilor (
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur iepurica - 21 October 2008 11:03