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Translation - Nederlands-Engels - de missie van ngo globaal

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This text is available in the following languages: NederlandsEngelsFransSpaansEsperanto

This translation is belonging to the project ngoglobaal.

NGO GLOBAAL is een fictieve,virtuele ngo, bestaande uit een consortium van virtuele anonieme en/of openbare personen, die de handen uit de mouwen willen steken om goed bezig te zijn als mens in het milieu. In de mate dat het leger van virtuele anonieme en/of openbare personen dat goed bezig wil zijn zich omvormt tot reële anonieme en/of openbare personen, kan NGO GLOBAAL uitgroeien tot een wereldwijd goed bezig zijnde reële ngo en/of anonimaat, dat de validatie van haar leden beoogt, waaraan éénieder kan deelnemen en die een stapsgewijze wereldwijde verbetering voor mens en milieu creërt.

Category Web-site / Blog / Forum

de missie van ngo globaal
Submitted by ngoglobaal
Source language: Nederlands

interactief goed bezig zijn,in het belang van mens en milieu door het creëren van duurzame positieve raderen
Remarks about the translation
"goed bezig zijn" is een vlaamse zegswijze om aan te geven dat men op een goede manier met iets bezig is.

the mission of 'ngo globaal'

Translated by Nooij
Target language: Engels

To do well, working interactively, in the interest of human beings and the environment by creating sustainable, positive cogwheels.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Lein - 7 June 2011 13:58

Last messages


2 June 2011 22:12

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Hi Nooij,

This line, the way you translated it, seems to be an incomplete sentence.
Could the beginning be: "Interact properly engaged, (imperative form)..." ?

3 June 2011 11:58

Number of messages: 6
Hi Lilian Canale,

To be honest, "goed bezig zijn" is something one would say in daily life, not in a text from a professional(?) company like this one. "Interact properly engaged" on the other hand, looks very professional and would be "juist geëngageerd interageren". "Doing well interactively" is the literal translation of what 'ngoglobaal' wants translated.

But I definitely understand your doubts, so I'd surely understand if you find my translation incomplete.

3 June 2011 14:08

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972
Well...I think Lein will be able to evaluate your translation better

I just think the tense used makes the sentence sound incomplete and in that case, it would need dots at the end. See what I mean?


CC: Lein

3 June 2011 14:59

Number of messages: 6
I guess that consulting Lein might be a good idea indeed.

I certainly get what you mean - perhaps the translation shouldn't be too literal. Let's see what Lein thinks about it.

Thank you for correcting me, by the way.

3 June 2011 16:46

Number of messages: 3389
Hi both

Yes, I saw this request earlier (before you had translated it) and it has an awkward wording. In part, that may be because this is Flemish, which occasionally sounds quite different from Dutch as spoken in The Netherlands.

As the title says, this is a mission statement. In this case, I think 'to do well' would be better than 'doing well'. I also think 'wheels' may not be the best translation for 'raderen' here. I agree it is a good literal translation, but the idea here is of cogs, or links (in a chain). I think 'cogs' would work here. My suggestion for the translation would be:

To do well, working interactively, in the interest of human beings and the environment by creating sustainable, positive cogs.

What do both of you think?

3 June 2011 16:47

Number of messages: 3389
Ah, on the subject of incompleteness of the sentence: it is, strictly speaking, incomplete but I think this is the way in which mission statements are usually worded.

4 June 2011 12:54

Number of messages: 6

I think you're right; the reason for the rather unusual wording may be because the requester is a Fleming. Your version of the English translation seems a lot more complete - and I'm convinced that the requester must've been looking for a translation similar to yours.

Thank you for your time and efforts

4 June 2011 19:55

Number of messages: 3389
Thank YOU! I have edited the translation and set a poll. ext time, until a poll is set, you are free to edit as much as you like in your own translations.

4 June 2011 23:47

Number of messages: 4
cog vervangen door cog-wheel

6 June 2011 11:02

Number of messages: 3389
Good suggestion! Nooij, are you happy for me to change this?

7 June 2011 13:36

Number of messages: 6
Excuse me for my late reaction!

Thank you for editing my translation, and yes, it'd be completely fine (and appreciated) if you change 'cogs' to 'cog-wheels'.

7 June 2011 13:57

Number of messages: 3389
(I checked and it is one word, so 'cogwheel' rather than 'cog-wheel'.)

7 June 2011 17:58

Number of messages: 6
Thank you very much