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Translation - Engels-Albanies - The administration team has decided to remove your translation

Current statusTranslation
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The administration team has decided to remove your translation
Submitted by cucumis
Source language: Engels

The administration team has decided to remove your translation request ( "%t" ). Please understand that we receive many translation requests and we only treat those entered with as much care as possible. Please read our requirements before asking for a new translation (%r).
Remarks about the translation
%t is the title of the translation.
%r will be a quotation of the text to be translated.
%t and %r must be kept unchanged in the translation.

Ekipi administrues vendosi të mënjanojë perkthimin tuaj

Translated by wondergirl
Target language: Albanies

Ekipi administrues vendosi ta mënjanojë kërkesën tuaj për përkthim ( "%t" ). Ju lutemi të kuptoni që na arrijnë shumë kërkesa për përkthim dhe ne trajtojmë vetëm ata që janë bërë me shumë kujdes. Ju lutemi lexoni kërkesat tona para se të kërkoni një përkthim të ri (%r).
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur liria - 10 November 2009 23:42