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ترجمه - انگلیسی-ایتالیایی - Tatiana's Table

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این متن به زبانهای زیر قابل دسترسی می باشد: انگلیسیایتالیایی

Tatiana's Table
stefaniasha پیشنهاد شده توسط
زبان مبداء: انگلیسی

Many years have passed since that time Tatiana made lazy cabbage for Alexander.

Yet it was still vivid in her mind: her grandmother's slightly hoarse quiet voice, the taking of the tram across the river, the waning afternoon, the ache in her limping, broken leg: but above all, the desire to make something for someone, for no other reason than to please him.

La tavola di Tatiana

Ilariaji ترجمه شده توسط
زبان مقصد: ایتالیایی

Sono passati molti anni da quella volta che Tatiana fece i cavoli al vapore per Alexander.

Tutto ancora era vivido nella sua mente: la voce calma leggermente roca di sua nonna, la fermata del tram al di là del fiume, il finire del pomeriggio, il dolore del suo zoppicare, la gamba rotta: ma soprattutto, il desiderio di fare qualcosa per qualcuno, per nessun altra ragione che compiacerlo.
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط Xini - 1 اکتبر 2007 20:40

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30 سپتامبر 2007 20:56

تعداد پیامها: 2747
Hi Ilariaji

I must admit that I dont understand what "lazy cabbage" is either.

I don't see "i capelli leggermente canuti" in the original text. It needs to be removed from the translation.


30 سپتامبر 2007 21:49

تعداد پیامها: 2132
lazy cabbage here
I think she cooked for Alexander.

30 سپتامبر 2007 22:12

تعداد پیامها: 2132
"i capelli leggermente canuti e la voce flebile di sua nonna" this sentence is not correct
"her grandmother's slightly hoarse quiet voice"
I think it's :
"la voce calma leggermente roca della sua nonna"

1 اکتبر 2007 02:48

تعداد پیامها: 76
"i capelli leggermente canuti e la voce flebile di sua nonna" it's not correct

1 اکتبر 2007 11:34

تعداد پیامها: 1910
"lazy cabbage" I guess is a way you can prepare cabbage (a meal)."her grandmother's slightly hoarse voice"-"la voce leggeramente roca/arrochita della sua nonna"(something like that), "the waning afternoon"-"il pommerigio in diminuzione"

1 اکتبر 2007 05:27

تعداد پیامها: 35
lazy cabbage means a Russian (or Ukrainian) national dish (ленивые голубцы - lenivye golubtsy). It consists of stewed (braised) cabbage usually together with rice and tomato juice (sometimes with carrot).
The equivalent of Stewed cabbage with rice in Italian I guess would be an appropriate variant. Or just "lenivye golubtsy" - that would emphasize the national connotation together with the Russian names. Of course with the asteriks sigh and a footnote about caggage

1 اکتبر 2007 07:50

تعداد پیامها: 1655
Thank you all.

Ilariaji, can you edit your translation?



1 اکتبر 2007 19:17

تعداد پیامها: 11
Avete ragione, i capelli canuti non c'è e non so bene come mi è venuto. Devo aver confuso il significato di qualche termine.
Farò le correzioni.
Grazie a tutti!