Hej ! Hoppas allt är bra med dig. Har inte hört av dig på länge. Fick du ditt grattiskort på din 15 årsdag? Har du gjort nått kul i sommar ? Här har skolan börjat igen efter ett skönt sommarlov. ( trist ) Hoppas du skriver snart igen /// kram från Annika
I hope you're doing well. I haven't heard from you in a while. Did you get your card for your 15th anniversary? Did you do anything cool during the summer? After beautiful summer holidays, school started again here. (boring) I hope you'll write to me soon /// Hugs from Annika
Пояснення стосовно перекладу
- Word by word translation would be "I hope everything is well with you" - "grattiskort" refers to any form of "congratulation card" (the word by word translation). I thought "card" was probably enough, given the context. - I'm assuming "anniversary" was meant, not "birthday" (since "årsdag" was used and not "födelsedag")
Thanks, kinaros, you're totally right! French totally got in the way, there and I didn't even realize it as it seemed to make sense It's definitely an interesting "faux-ami" I'm correcting it right now.
Oh wait, I can't... I'll ask Kafetzou to do it for us