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Переклад - Давньоєврейська-Англійська - Verint – תפקיד משולב של תמיכה בלקוחות החברה...

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Verint – תפקיד משולב של תמיכה בלקוחות החברה...
Публікацію зроблено jkessous
Мова оригіналу: Давньоєврейська

Verint – תפקיד משולב של תמיכה בלקוחות החברה (Tier 3) בתחום מוצרי ה- Communication Interception למגזר הביטחוני ומתן שירותי Professional Services הן לעובדי החברה וללקוח החברה בתחום מוצרי Video. במקביל ניהול חדר ה - Demo של החברה, אשר כולל את רוב מוצרי החברה.
Пояснення стосовно перекладу

Verint--Integrated company customer support job task

Переклад зроблено dramati
Мова, якою перекладати: Англійська

Verint--Integrated company customer support tasking (Tier 3) in the field of Communication Interception products for the security industry and giving professional services to company employees and customers in the full range of Video products. In parallel, management of the demonstration room for the company Demo which includes the majority of the company's products.
Затверджено kafetzou - 27 Жовтня 2007 19:26

Останні повідомлення


20 Жовтня 2007 03:53

Кількість повідомлень: 7963

A few questions:

1) What are "video products"?
2) What is "chamber management"?
3) What includes most of the company's products?

20 Жовтня 2007 15:40

Кількість повідомлень: 972

The person who wrote this doesn't say. Evidently, since the word VIDEO is used her in English in the Hebrew texts, VIDEO must be a name of a company that has a number of products. He doesn't go into detail of the products in hebrew. Chamber management is a word used in Israel to say basicly, demonstrations given in a company showroom. This is also not very American in its concept, but I see it a lot in Israeli advertisements for Chamber managers to produce and host video demos for potential customers. Here again, the Hebrew isn't specific, using the word "Hedar" which could mean Room or Chamber, but in this case, Chamber seems to best explain the concept.

20 Жовтня 2007 19:14

דן לרמן
Кількість повідомлень: 1

20 Жовтня 2007 19:42

Кількість повідомлень: 972
Hi That could also be office not chamber, as for instance Liscat HaGius or Liscat Ha Ramat Clal but still isn't specific enough. There are many references for Heder.

20 Жовтня 2007 19:44

Кількість повідомлень: 972
Also, in this instance, it would probably refer to presentation room, since it is a place in which products are presented.

20 Жовтня 2007 22:14

Кількість повідомлень: 7963
OK - now I'm really confused. If Video is the name of the company, why does it say "in the field of"? Also, since we are agreed that "chamber management" is not English, what should it be in English?

Ian, this should not have been put to a vote yet, because the English is not comprehensible yet.

CC: IanMegill2

20 Жовтня 2007 22:19

Кількість повідомлень: 972
Lets see. Chamber management...could be better understand as manging the demonstration room, which would also be accurate. Now, as to why it says in the field of tis is found in the hebrew בתחום מוצרי which means the area or the field of products of VIDEO which, as I said before, is probably the name of the company. As to why it says this, it is simply the way the guy wrote it in Hebrew.

20 Жовтня 2007 22:42

Кількість повідомлень: 7963
When we say a field in English, it means like a whole area of study or manufacturing, such as the field of electronics, or the field of sociology. You cannot say the field of the products of a specific company.

Thanks for the suggestion for the demonstration room - I will change that.

20 Жовтня 2007 22:44

Кількість повідомлень: 7963
I made a few more edits, but I'd still like to find a better word for "field" - how about "full range"?

21 Жовтня 2007 03:39

Кількість повідомлень: 972

Well full range would be appropriate. Thanks, David