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翻译 - 瑞典语-英语 - Annater

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讨论区 单词

提交 gabyvirtual
源语言: 瑞典语

Annater ("årspengar" av lat. annus "år") kallades en avgift som betalades till den romerska kurian av den som erhöll ett kyrkligt ämbete.
Al traducir este texto usando wikipedia y por gráficos y dibujos, pude entender que "romerska kurian" significa imperio romano, pero de lo demás no tengo idea porque en wikipedia no dicen en español de que idioma se trata; y este es el peor dilema. Quisiera saber lo que significa porque mi hijo soñó con esa palabra y le llamó mucho la atención. También lo pueden traducir al inglés británico o americano porque tengo amigos que me pueden ayudar con ese idioma. Muchas gracias de antemano.

Annater ("year's money" from latin annus "year")

翻译 casper tavernello
目的语言: 英语

Annater ("year's money" from latin annus "year") was the name of a charge that was paid to the Roman Curia by the one who was designated for a church's official position.
dramati认可或编辑 - 2007年 十二月 17日 20:37



2007年 十二月 17日 18:25

文章总计: 1524
I would like to make some observations:

"av den" means "by the one" and not "by those", Can not be translated by plural, because "den" reffers to the singular. Than it should has been "de" in the Sweedish text.

ecclesiastical means, according to Oxford dictionary, "relating to the Christian Church or its clergy" or Romans were not Christian, so, in my opinion, the word is incorrectly used. More correct would be "relligious official position".

Than "erhöll" means "to receive" or "to get" and it has been translated by "had", which is, again, not 100% correct.

CC: pias

2007年 十二月 17日 18:28

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
"By the one" or "by those" have the same effect here.
I'm trying not to make literal translations.

This is a tax from the XV century, not from antient Rome.

Kyrka = church.

CC: Bamsa

2007年 十二月 17日 18:31

文章总计: 1524
OK, my mistake there, the original text did write "Roman", this creates confusions. What about "erhøll"?

kyrkligt = relligious and, by the way, we have almost the same word in Faroese.

2007年 十二月 17日 18:43

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Wow. That was my HUGE mistake.
Thank you for pointing me this one (erhöll), Bamsa.

And yes, you are right about kyrkligt=religius, but you can see that it's an adjective for "church", like "churchy".

2007年 十二月 17日 18:47

文章总计: 8114
1. Bamsa is right, this IS singular , den = "by the one..."

2. About the meaning of ecclesiastical.. I think he is right about it and maybe you should use a more neutral word for "kyrkligt ämbete", religious official position or church's official position.

3. This is not about tax, just a charge or a fee.

2007年 十二月 17日 18:49

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
Ok, ok, I will change 6 for six.

2007年 十二月 17日 19:29

文章总计: 8114
according to (the best dictionary!!)wiki "kyrkligt ämbete"
is the same as Patriark = Patriarch
maybe you could use that word...

2007年 十二月 21日 23:58

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
NO Pia. There it's like an explanation, like
Patriark (kyrkligt ämbete)
Elephant (animal)

Because there can be more than one arcticle with the same name.
Patriarch can't be applied here.
Anyway, thank you.

2007年 十二月 17日 19:56

文章总计: 8114 are right...

after many hours today in front of the computer, my brain is not 'with me'

2007年 十二月 17日 19:58

casper tavernello
文章总计: 5057
I know what is it like.

2007年 十二月 19日 21:05

文章总计: 4
Hola otra vez, estoy leyendo la argumentación que tuviste con Pias y Bamsa sobre mi texto, y me encantaría saber, en español, de qué se trató. ¿A qué conclusión llegaron?. ¿La Curia Romana es la iglesia romana?. ¿El pago es un impuesto?. ¿Quién le paga a quién, la curia al que va a trabajar en la iglesia o el que trabaja en la iglesia a la curia?. Por favor, aclara mis dudas.

2007年 十二月 19日 21:15

文章总计: 8114
Hi gabyvirtual,
please write in english..
I don't understand.

2007年 十二月 21日 14:04

文章总计: 4
Hi Pias, excuse me but my english is so bad, i have friends that help me to understand it, that is the reason (¿?) because i said that i understand english. Excuse me if you do not understand my english or my spanish

2007年 十二月 21日 14:10

文章总计: 4
But that is not a problem to me understand you sometimes, some words. (again excuse my english)

2007年 十二月 21日 14:16

文章总计: 8114
It's ok gabyvirtual
and beside, I don't understand Spanish..
I was just curious about what you wrote, if you thought that something in the translation was wrong or similar.

2007年 十二月 21日 14:38

文章总计: 4
sorry, but your english is over me (¿?). I need somebody read it for me

2007年 十二月 21日 14:46

文章总计: 8114
Hi guilon or Lila F.
Please could some of you bridge the message sent
21 December 2007 14:16 to Spanish.
gabyvirtual don't understand what I try to say...

..some points for your help!

CC: guilon Lila F.