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翻译 - 拉丁语-英语 - Quomodo enim se cristianum dicit, qui pauca verba...

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Quomodo enim se cristianum dicit, qui pauca verba...
提交 sagehe
源语言: 拉丁语

Quomodo enim se cristianum dicit, qui pauca verba fidei, qua salvandus est, etiam et orationis dominicae quae ipse dominus ad orationem constituit, neque dicere neque vult in memoria retinere?

How can be called a Christian someone ....

翻译 Cammello
目的语言: 英语

How can be called a Christian someone who neither wants to say nor memorizes even the few Faith's Words, through which he could be saved, or the Lord's Prayer (ndt. Pater Noster) which the Lord himself established as a prayer?
OK...i try to explain the translation. At first i write it in Italian (i Have to translate from Latin in Italian, and then from Italian to English...i'm not able to do it into english at once)

In che modo infatti si definisce Cristiano colui che non vuole né dire né memorizzare le poche parole della fede attraverso la quale deve essere salvato e anche della preghiera del Signore (ndt. il Padre Nostro) che lo stesso Signore stabilì per preghiera?

So...there is someone who speaks about how to be a Christian. And there are 2 things important: to say and memorize the "Words of the Faith" and to say and memorize "the Lord's Prayer".

These are important statements because:
1)You can be saved through "Words of the faith".
2)"The Lord's Prayer" is something He decided.

So... if you don't follow His rules, you cannot be said a christian
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2008年 五月 11日 21:36