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翻译 - 芬兰语-英语 - Muistathan

本文可用以下语言: 芬兰语英语

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源语言: 芬兰语

Muistathan, että sijaishakemuksesi näkyy esimiehille vasta sen jälkeen, kun olet käynyt sijaisrekisterin haastattelussa. Varaa rekisterin sähköisen kalenterin kautta aika haastatteluun tai soita palvelunumeroomme 03-5653 4185. Poikkeuksellisesti loppuvuonna ei ole vapaita haastatteluaikoja, koska muutamme. Osoitteemme pysyy kuitenkin samana eli Aleksis Kiven katu 14-16 B, katutaso. Vapaita haastatteluaikoja on jälleen 5.1.2009 alkaen. Poistathan hakemuksesi, jos et enää ole käytettävissä.


翻译 itsatrap100
目的语言: 英语

Please remember, that your application for employment as a substitute can be seen by the boss only after having been to the interview to be registered as a substitute. Reserve an interview via the electronic calendar or call our service number at 03-5653 4185. As an exception, at the end of the year there aren't any free interview times, because we are moving. Our address will still stay the same, i.e., Aleksis Kiven katu 14-16 B, ground level. Interview times are available again starting on January 5th, 2009. Please remove your application if you are no longer available.
lilian canale认可或编辑 - 2009年 一月 12日 12:49



2008年 十二月 19日 02:09

文章总计: 8
sijaishakemusesi is not placement

2008年 十二月 19日 10:49

文章总计: 28
That's right. Placement means having a temporary job for gaining work experience.

Sijainen instead is a substitute, also temporary, but only because the regular employee is unavailable because of illness, for example.

2008年 十二月 19日 12:45

文章总计: 75
... your placement application (to be a substitute)....
electronic registration system of substitutes...
(There can be another registation for permanent jobs.)

2008年 十二月 19日 23:23

文章总计: 279
This term is used exceedingly rarely in Finland, via google search I found 4 matches for sijaishakemus.

2008年 十二月 19日 23:48

文章总计: 28
You can also search for the uncomposed words "sijainen hakemus".

2008年 十二月 20日 00:02

文章总计: 279
I did, zero results. That's why I said it's used exceedingly rarely as a compound word or as individual words. The typical Finn would probably be perplexed by this one.

2008年 十二月 20日 13:45

文章总计: 871
I have doubts here on
-placement (my dictionary would lead me to say "application for locum-tenency" or "application for being a substitute"
-supevisor (superior or boss)
-having been to placement interview (it means: having taken the interview in order to be included in the substitute register // having taken the interview required for becoming a registered substitute)
-electronic registration (it really is a calendar which is made available for personnel in the intranet)
-don't translate the name of the street
-start (free interview times start)(why not: there will be free interview....)
-date in English f.ex. January 5, 2009
-you need to use "please" with "-han" (muistathan, poistathan)
-also I guess more polite in English would be to say "you may reserve an interview..."

2009年 一月 6日 22:21

文章总计: 8
"our address will be the same" I would prefer.