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翻译 - 丹麦语-英语 - E bindstouw udkom i Randers 2当前状态 翻译
讨论区 杂文  本翻译"仅需意译"。 | E bindstouw udkom i Randers 2 | | 源语言: 丹麦语
At det var en litterær begivenhed af rang, vil næppe nogen i vore dage modsige. Ganske vist, der havde været skrevet på jysk før. Men hvad der før Blicher var fremkommet på dialekt, havde og har højst kuriositetens interesse. Kunstneriske krav har de anonyme eller navngivne forfattere næppe stillet. For Blicher selv var udsendelsen af »Fortællinger og Digte i jydske Mundarter« ― som undertitlen lød ― vist heller ikke nogen særlig bemærkelsesværdig tildragelse, selv om han nok havde sin tanke dermed. Sagen var naturlig og ligetil for ham. Der var ikke tale om nogen ændring i løbet. | | Second part of a comment written in danish about a 19th century work called "E bindstouw" written in jutlandic dialect by Steen Steensen Blicher. |
| Hardly anyone in our day would dare ... | | 目的语言: 英语
Hardly anyone in our day would dare gainsay that this was a literary event of importance. Admittedly, works had been written in Jutlandic before. But whatever had appeared in dialect before Blicher had, and has, aroused no more interest than mere curiosity. Artistic demands were hardly made by those anonymous or named authors. To Blicher himself the publication of "Stories and Poems in Jutlandic Arts of Speech" - as it said in the subtitle - did not constitute a particularly remarkable event, even though the thought might have occurred to him. To him it felt natural and straighforward. It entailed no change of course.
由 Lein认可或编辑 - 2010年 七月 26日 11:37
最近发帖 | | | | | 2010年 七月 19日 14:46 | | | Hi Jair
This looks mostly fine. A few remarks:
- how about 'deny' instead of 'gainsay'? That is much more common.
- 'there had been written' is not a construction that is allowed in English. My suggestions would be 'there had been writings', 'there had been written works', (or better: written works existed) or else 'people had written' or 'things / works / ... had been written'.
- had interest -> how about 'was of interest'?
- entail: I am not entirely sure what you mean by this - possibly due to my own ignorance  Do you mean 'it didn't lead to any changes', 'it didn't change anything'? | | | 2010年 七月 20日 12:47 | | | Reply from Jair:
Hi Lein,
I stick with "gainsay" which is closer to the original meaning than "deny". "entail" is like having as consequence. I carried out a few changes in accordance with your remarks. Thanks!
Jair | | | 2010年 七月 22日 23:52 | | | aroused no more interest than mere
Kunstneriske krav har de anonyme eller navngivne forfattere næppe stillet.
"krav stillet" "stille krav -> make demands"
Artistic standards were hardly fulfilled by those anonymous or named authors.  It's quite a free translation. | | | 2010年 七月 23日 06:14 | | | Bamsa is right, better: Artistic demands were hardly made by those... | | | 2010年 七月 23日 11:48 | | | | | | 2010年 七月 23日 12:03 | | | |
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