Ako želite da stavimo vaše slike, vaše diskusije ili pohvale na ovu stranicu pošaljite poruku na:######@######.com (šaljete preko yahoo mail).Ako želite da stavimo vaš video na youtube (video može biti velik do 11 mb) pošaljite poruku na:#####@#####.com (šaljite preko yahoo mail).
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Prevod --------------------------------------- I took off the e mail address, because we do not want e mail addresses in the texts on cucumis.org, then I also took off end of the text that was typed in english, as we do not want severallanguages in the source-text frame (04/09/francky)
If you want us to put your photos, your discussions or approvals on this page, send a message to: ######@######.com (via yahoo mail). If you want us to put your video on youtube (video can be up to 11 mb big) send a message to: #####@#####.com (via yahoo mail).
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 12 April 2008 08:22
If you want us to PLACE your photos, your discussions or COMPLEMENTS on this page, send a message TO:######@######.com (sendING IT via yahoo mail). If you want us to DISPLAY your video on youtube (video can HAVE up to 11 mb) send a message TO:#####@#####.com (sendING IT via yahoo mail).