Dragi moji roditelji, Ovde je prelepo i ja se odlicno provodim.Svakoga dana idemo na plazu.Volela bih da ste sa mnom i da mozete videti sve ove carobne predele.Smestaj je fantastican.Hrana jos bolja.Ima puno zanimljivih osoba ovde sa kojima se druzimo.Volela bih da ih upoznate, jer bi se i vama svideli. Nadam se da cemo porodicno doci ovde.Ovu lepotu ne treba propustiti!Volim vas i jedva cekam da vas ponovo sve vidim.
My dear parents, It's beautiful here and I'm having a great time. Every day we go to the beach. I wish you were with me and could see all these magic sites. The accommodation is fantastic and the food is even better. There are a lot of interesting people here we hang with. I would like you to meet them because you would like them too. I hope we'll come here as a family. This beauty should not be missed! I love you and can hardly wait to see you all again.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 21 Januar 2010 22:28