510 Uppruna mál reguli This section will change throughout the day but with the number of barb villages popping up I want to put this up. NO PLAYER CAN HAVE MORE THEN 4 CLAIMS AT A TIME. If one player has more than 4 claims they will be deleted. The claim limit is now 4 days. from the time you post to the time you take it you have 4 days. ONE CLAIM PER POST. Also when you are done with a claim please reply done so that I know I can delete it. Failure to follow the rules will result in a no-claim. no more posting multiple claims in one post. Their will be more added throughout the day but I wanted to get this up now. Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Reguli | |
139 Uppruna mál quando c'è vero amore.... il fuoco è stato acceso, non soffochiamolo viviamo l'attimo presente...quel che ti ho detto e che provo per te c'è e ci sarà sempre, io so quando usare certe parole...ti amo il testo riguarda una storia particolare in cui amo una ragazza ma lei nn può al momento a causa del suo passato e perciò vuole tempo Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Passion Love Tutkunun ateÅŸi | |
26 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". Sei mia, sei bella, bellissima ! Sei mia, sei bella, bellissima ! Admin's note : I took off all the single words and just left what was a complete sentence from this text.
Before edit : "Buongiorno Buona sera Buona notte Buon pomeriggio Con te Senza te Tanto Molto Si' No Polacco Polacca Sei mia Sei bella Bellissima."
After edit : "Sei mia, sei bella, bellissima !"
Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar jesteÅ› moja, jesteÅ› piÄ™kna, bardzo piÄ™kna | |
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217 Uppruna mál انا اØب لعبة مورتال كومبات القتاليه Ùهي من اجمل... انا اØب لعبة مورتال كومبات القتاليه Ùهي من اجمل العاب الÙيديو . ومن يلعبها يدخل الجو Ùعلاً ØŒ انا اØب هذه اللعبه. ولذك انا املك لعبة مورتال كومبات والÙيلم ايضاً. اتمنى منكم ان تجربوها Ùهي لعبه تستØÙ‚ التجربه، Ùقط ابØØ« عنها تجدها . ان يكون الترجه الى التركي ØŒ مثلا كل الكلمات يا ليتها تكون تركيه Øقيقيه Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar BEN MUTAL KOMBAT OYUNUNU SEVÄ°YORUM | |
53 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". caov aspetta MEDICI MIEI, LUNEDI 1 DICEMBRE SU ITALIA 1 ALLE ORE 19:30. çok acil lütfen Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Medici Miei | |
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319 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". Music Videos Tweak. Music Videos Tweak Rehearsal is now crucial to the outcome of music videos like it should have been all along. The appropriate music genre skills are also beneficial for the master director.
In a couple of weeks it will also be bad for your career to release crappy music videos. So if you've got any lame music videos coming out soon you're better off releasing them now. bu bir oyun duyurusu kurgu yani:) çevirirseniz sevinirim... Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar çeviri | |
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334 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". iglizceyi türkçeye çevirmek ATTENTION: HABÄ°BE DAL
We hereby inform you that we have processed your Winnings and your fund and your Car is now ready to be released to you. Your fund deposited with us is not in liquid form but in Bank Cheque, this advice complies with section 2, sub section (IV) of the procedural manual of the funds disbursement agreement existing between Lottery Companies and the British Government. ATTENTION: HABÄ°BE DAL
We hereby inform you that we have processed your Winnings and your fund and your Car is now ready to be released to you. Your fund deposited with us is not in liquid form but in Bank Cheque, this advice complies with section 2, sub section (IV) of the procedural manual of the funds disbursement agreement existing between Lottery Companies and the British Government. Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar HABÄ°BE DAL DÄ°KKATÄ°NE: | |
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34 Uppruna mál Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". I felt a great gob making its dizzy exit. I felt a great gob making its dizzy exit. Le personnage vient d'expliquer à son amie pourquoi elle trouve la vie sans intérêt. Après cette phrase, elle s'évanouit. Fullfíggjaðar umsetingar Fin évanescente... | |