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Vertaling - Servisch-Engels - znam da mi nevjerujes ali puno mi falis...

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: ServischBulgaarsEngelsDuits

Categorie Chat - Liefde/Vriendschap

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
znam da mi nevjerujes ali puno mi falis...
Opgestuurd door coqauvin
Uitgangs-taal: Servisch

pa od koga si to saznala!

znam da mi nevjerujes ali puno mi falis...kad te ne vidim hocu da umrem...a kada te vidim srce mi bude ogromno...jer te volim.znam da nije uvijek lako samnom ali moras da mi vjerujes...JA TEBE VOLIM

And when did it dawn on you?

Vertaald door tristangun
Doel-taal: Engels

And when did it dawn on you?

I know that you don't believe me but I miss you very much... I want to die when I do not see you and when I do see you, my heart grows bigger... Because I love you. I know, it is not always that easy with me, but you have to believe me...

Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 17 juni 2008 01:44

Laatste bericht


16 juni 2008 17:58

Aantal berichten: 48
The first sentence is more like "since when" not "by whom", so I think something like this would be better:
For how long have you been aware of it?

That's according to the Bulgarian version.

16 juni 2008 21:14

Aantal berichten: 1116
The first sentence has a sarcastic nature, so the English translation is not generally wrong, but doesn't reflect the connotation. I think it would better be something like: "And when did it dawn on you?"...

16 juni 2008 21:25

Aantal berichten: 1014
So my sentence wasn't wrong, but it is better if I change it into "and when did it dawn on you?"

16 juni 2008 22:48

Aantal berichten: 1116
Or something "more sarcastic"...

16 juni 2008 22:50

Aantal berichten: 1014
I can't be sarcastic =D
Btw, cool avatar.

17 juni 2008 09:21

Aantal berichten: 1116
Thanks, it's from my favorite video by Madonna - "What it feels like for a girl".