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Vertaling - Engels-Italiaans - The lake is cold and blue, like your eyes. You...

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Categorie Poëzie - Liefde/Vriendschap

The lake is cold and blue, like your eyes. You...
Opgestuurd door Firestarter
Uitgangs-taal: Engels

The lake is cold and blue,
like your eyes.
You stand before me waist-deep,
shivering under the hot blue sky.
The lake, like you, is quiet
except for the perplexing language
spoken by graceful arms
crossed and clasped to your chest.
In your shining face,
clear and wet like flawless ice,
tiny teeth chatter
behind deep red lips.
A mouth that says little
defers to the eyes for speech.
For a long moment
you fix me with your cryptic gaze.
Details voor de vertaling
This is a poem I came across on the internet.
It reminded me of a moment from my past.
I would really like it to be translated to Italian (It's a memory from when I was in Italy).
Thanks in advance!

With regards, Robert

Il lago è freddo e blu

Vertaald door guilon
Doel-taal: Italiaans

Il lago è freddo e blu
come i tuoi occhi.
Stai in piedi davanti a me con l'acqua fino alla cintola,
tremante sotto il cielo caldo e blu.
Il lago è calmo, come te,
tranne per la sconcertante lingua
parlata da eleganti braccia
incrociate e strette contro il tuo petto.
Nel tuo viso rilucente,
chiaro e bagnato come del ghiaccio impeccabile,
dei denti minuscoli battono
dietro a delle profonde labbra rosse.
Una bocca che dice poco
si rimette agli occhi per il discorso.
Per un lungo momento
fissi il tuo sguardo criptico su di me.
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door ali84 - 15 maart 2009 21:09