Vertimas - Prancūzų-Anglų - "poudre Matifiante"Esamas statusas Vertimas
Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas:  
Kategorija Išsireiškimai - Sveikata / Medicina  Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas. | | Tekstas Pateikta deha | Originalo kalba: Prancūzų
"poudre Matifiante" | | Thanks
<Admin's remark> This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules. |
| | VertimasAnglų Išvertė kfeto | Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Anglų
"matt powder" | | also known as "face powder", "anti-shine powder" or "blot powder" |
Validated by dramati - 19 vasaris 2008 11:58
Paskutinės žinutės | | | | | 19 vasaris 2008 09:49 | | | "blot powder" may be correct, but I don't think it is the best translation. I would prefer : "matt powder" for those reasons :
- the word "blot" doesn't refer to something matt (which is the French meaning for "matifiante"
- Google gives +500000 answers for "matt powder", while 150000 only for "blot powder"
- "blot powder" seems to be a term devoted to one product only, sold by a commercial company, "M-A-C Cosmetics" | | | 19 vasaris 2008 10:27 | | | ok corrected.. "GOOGLE...the Ultimate Dispute Settler" | | | 19 vasaris 2008 11:45 | | | Matifying powder = poudre Matifiante
matt powder = poudre mate |