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Käännös - Venäjä-Englanti - Международный процесс

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Tämä teksti on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä: VenäjäEnglanti

Kategoria Kotisivu / Blogi / Keskustelu - Yhteiskunta / Ihmiset / Politiikka

Международный процесс
Lähettäjä dialooglane
Alkuperäinen kieli: Venäjä

Конечно, Европейский суд по правам человека по своим масштабам и специфике не сравним с Нюрнбергским процессом, который для многих является "образцом" международного процесса. Но в отношении оккупации Эстонии, думаю, подобный международный процесс теперь не возможен. Ведь СССР, главный виновник, просто взял и исчез, а людей, стоявших тогда у руля, уже не осталось в живых.
Huomioita käännöksestä

International Trial

Kääntäjä drakova
Kohdekieli: Englanti

Of course the European Court of Human Rights with its large scale and specific character could not be compared to the Nuremberg Trials, which seem to be “the model” of international trials for a large number of people. But I think that such an international trial is impossible nowadays in relation to the occupation of Estonia. Because the USSR, who was the main culprit, simply disappeared, and almost none of the people who ruled then are still alive.
Viimeksi tarkastanut tai toimittanut kafetzou - 19 Toukokuu 2007 15:43

Viimeinen viesti


19 Toukokuu 2007 15:34

Viestien lukumäärä: 19
It is a good translation, my only remarks would be:
"with its large scale" - maybe "in terms of its scale"?, and
"could not be compared" - "cannot be compared"?

19 Toukokuu 2007 15:46

Viestien lukumäärä: 19
Of course, in terms of scale and specific character, the European Court of Human Rights can not be compared to the Nuremberg Trials, which for a large number of people seem to be "the model" of international trials. But in relation to the occupation of Estonia, I think, such an international trial is impossible nowadays. Because the USSR, who was the main culprit, simply disappeared, and none of those who ruled back then is still alive.