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Oversættelse - Portugisisk-Latin - Anjo da Guarda, minha companhia. Guardai a minha...

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: PortugisiskLatin

Kategori Tanker

Anjo da Guarda, minha companhia. Guardai a minha...
Tilmeldt af Mariajlbr
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Portugisisk

Anjo da Guarda, minha companhia.
Guardai a minha alma, de noite e de dia.

Custos angele, mi soci.

Oversat af goncin
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Latin

Custos angele, mi soci.
Animam meam custode, nocte ac die.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Guardian angel, my companion.
Protect my soul, night and day.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af Aneta B. - 12 November 2009 13:30

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11 November 2009 21:11

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
Angelus curator --> Custos angelus or Angelus tutelaris

But are you sure it is in nominative here? Shouldn't be vocative?

"Anima mea cave".

Hehehe! "CAVE CANEM" = AVOID A DOG! (Literally: Beware of the dog )
So, unfortunately it is not a good word, dear Goncin. I propose: "protege" or "defende", "custode" + ACCUSATIVUS.

12 November 2009 10:47

Antal indlæg: 3706

According to this dictionary, "caveo" + dat. means to take care of.

But I'll edit it.

12 November 2009 10:51

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
But you didn't put "anima mea' in dative, sorry...

It can be of course: 'Animae meae cave'
but the others verbs are better in religious context...

12 November 2009 10:51

Antal indlæg: 3706
Once more I just confused ablative with dative (which use to be the same, but not in 1st declension...)

12 November 2009 10:54

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
Ok. It happens. Don't worry.

12 November 2009 10:58

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
But you didn't answer my question above:

"But are you sure it is in nominative here? Shouldn't be vocative?"

I meant the words:
Custos angelus, socius meus

12 November 2009 12:49

Antal indlæg: 3706
Edited. Hope its all right now.

12 November 2009 13:03

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
Custos angele, mi soci/comes.

12 November 2009 13:24

Antal indlæg: 3706
I was dealing with 'angelus' as a 4th declension noun. Fixed.