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10Oversættelse - Rumænsk-Engelsk - Versuri

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: RumænskEngelsk

Tilmeldt af Jan1961
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Rumænsk

Când soarele rasare mă trezesc cu tine în gând,
Eşti ca o dulce chemare, ce o aud strigând în vânt.

Dragoste la prima vedere,cine-ar fi crezut?
Să iubesc cu atâta putere, ca la inceput

Mai am un singur gând, în liniştea serii,
Cu tine impreună mergând pe malul marii.

Nu-mi trebuie castele şi nici averi, doar să te am pe tine, lângă.


Oversat af iepurica
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

When the sun rises, I wake up with you in my mind,
You are like a sweet call, that I hear loud in the wind.

Love at first sight, who would believe it?
To love so much, like in the beginning.

I have only one thought in the quiet of the evening,
With you, together, walking on the seashore.

I don't need castles nor fortunes, only to have you by me.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af kafetzou - 20 Februar 2007 14:42

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19 Februar 2007 01:14

Antal indlæg: 7963
The word "yelling" is quite negative and doesn't seem to fit into this context - can you change it to something nicer, but which is still an accurate translation? Other than that, the translation is good.

20 Februar 2007 14:37

Antal indlæg: 2102
Done it. I just put yelling, because it was the exact translation of the word. But I believe if I change to "loud" doesn't loose the meaning.
Thanks for the remark.

20 Februar 2007 14:37

Antal indlæg: 2102
Done it. I just put yelling, because it was the exact translation of the word. But I believe if I change to "loud" doesn't loose the meaning.
Thanks for the remark.

20 Februar 2007 14:42

Antal indlæg: 7963
Thanks - I added "that" to make it a bit clearer without losing the poetic feel of it.