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Përkthime - Anglisht-Gjuha Faroese - When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me...

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Kategori Mendime - Dashuri / Miqësi

When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me...
Prezantuar nga Nooij
gjuha e tekstit origjinal: Anglisht

When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key of life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment and I told them they didn't understand life.
Vërejtje rreth përkthimit
A friend of mine once showed this quote by (as far as I know) John Lennon, and I translated it into Dutch for her and she subsequently translated it into her language. As I sent the sentence to people from other countries, they also translated it and the resulting translations have fascinated me. I'd love to see the quote in the selected/requested languages. :-)

Thanks in advance for your translation!

Vërejtje, ky përkthim ende nuk është vlerësuar nga ana e ekspertit, mund të jetë i gabuar!
Tá ið eg var 5 ára gamal ...
Gjuha Faroese

Perkthyer nga Bamsa
Përkthe në: Gjuha Faroese

Tá ið eg var 5 ára gamal plagdi móðir mín at siga mær at gleði var lykilin til lívið. Tá ið eg fór í skúla spurdi tey meg hvat eg ið eg vildi vera tá ið eg bleiv vaksin. Eg skrivaði niður "glaður". Tey søgdu við meg at eg ikki skilti uppgávuna eg svaraði teimum at tey ikki skilti lívið.
3 Shtator 2011 00:31