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Anglicky Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams !
Falling in love is when she falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams !

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Rumunsky A te îndrăgosti este atunci când...
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky Rainforests ara very important in the ecology of...
Rainforests ara very important in the ecology of Earth.They are tropical and they get a lot of rain.The climate is always wet.There is only a short dry season.Rainforests are usually near the equator and they are 6% of the Earth's surface.More than half of the world's plant and animal species live in these forests.Some food in our houses come from the rainforests.We make 25% of our medicine from the plants in these forest.

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Turecky Yağmur ormanları dünyanın ekolojisi için çok önemlidir...
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky there¨s nothing better than you
there¨s nothing better than you

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Španielsky No hay nada mejor que tú
Zdrojový jazyk
Anglicky crime is on the increase everywhere in large...
crime is on the increase everywhere in large cities and towns as in small villages.the most common crimes are probably housebreaking or burglary,and robbery of one kind or most cases the police are successful in catching criminals.

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Turecky Suc olayları
Zdrojový jazyk
Fínsky Mie Oon Lordi
Mie oon Lordi on syksyllä 2006 julkaistu virallinen Lordi-yhtyettä käsittelevä kirja. Kirjan on kirjoittanut Helsingin Sanomien kulttuuritoimittaja Jussi Ahlroth.

Kirja käsittelee Lordi-yhtyeen kaikkien entisten ja nykyisten jäsenten, etenkin keulakuva Tomi Putaansuun elämää lapsuusvuosista nykypäiviin saakka. Kirja sisältää myös runsaasti ennenjulkaisematonta kuvamateriaalia etenkin yhtyeen alkuajoilta. Mie oon Lordi sisältää yhtyeen laajan historian lisäksi myös kattavan liiteosion, jossa käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti muun muassa yhtyeen lavaesiintymistä, naamarien tekoa, oheistuotteita ja yhtyeen tärkeää innoittajaa, KISSiä.
Can be English,too...

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Anglicky I am Lordi
Turecky Ben Lordi'yim
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky mekatronik
The mechatronics field consists of the synergistic integration of three distinct traditional engineering fields for the system level design process. These three fields are:
1. Mechanical engineering, where the word "mecha" is taken from
2. Electrical or electronics engineering, where the part of the word "tronics" is taken from
3. Computer science

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Turecky Mekatronik
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky From The Federal Bureau of ...
From The Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington D.C (FBI) wrote to inform
You that we operates 56 field offices in major cities through out the United
States of America many of these offices are further subdivided into smaller
Resident agencies which have jurisdiction over a specific area.

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Turecky Federal büronun
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Rusky прв-13
Блок Б-08 привяжите ремнем, снятым с кабельной катушки,к кронштейну навески в положении ,соотвтствующем минимальному углу места его, предварительно отсоединив регулировачную тягу.

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Bulharčina Блок б-08
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Latinčina Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, da mi...
Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, da mi basia mille, deinde centum!

Ad omnia paratus

Non est bonum esse hominem solum
Vet inte om språket är rätt! Har fått detta i ett mail och har ingen aning om vad det betyder!?
En kärleksförklaring eller?

Hotové preklady
Švédsky Att fela är mänskligt
Francúzsky L'erreur est humaine, pardonner est divin, donne-moi
Srbsky Ljudski je grešiti, praštati je božanski, ...
Bosenština enesbeckovic
Hebrejsky הטעות היא אנושית, הסליחה היא אלוהית, תן לי
Anglicky To err is human, to forgive divine
Dánsky At fejle er menneskeligt, at tilgive guddommeligt,
Chorvatsky prijevod
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky Spurlock only eats at fast food restaurants for...
Spurlock only eats at fast food restaurants for thirty days and goes from it and trim to dangereously un healty.At the beginning of the this thirty-day period,three doctors and a nutritionist check him.
lütfen iyi ingilizce bilen birisi varsa çevirsin.çok acil.şimdiden teşekkürler.super size me:incelt beni.

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Turecky Spurlock, otuz gün süresince...
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Anglicky Building on the power of ...
Building on the power of Anti-Executable Standard, Anti-Executable Enterprise provides IT professionals with entralized deployment and flexible management control through Faronics Core Console.

This evaluation contains both Faronics Anti-Executable and Faronics Core Console. Faronics Core Console must be installed before installing Faronics Anti-Executable.

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Turecky Anti-Executable standardının gücünün...
Zdrojový jazyk
Albánsky Ju mendoni ndryshe apo?
Ju mendoni ndryshe apo?
Ne dialekt anglez.

Hotové preklady
Anglicky Or do you think differently?
Turecky Siz farklı düşünüyorsunuz, öyle mi?
Zdrojový jazyk
Srbsky pobedili smo türke ; Ne znam kako ali sam...
pobedili smo türke ;
Ne znam kako ali sam uspeo da postanem admin umesto onih turaka.
Cilj mi je da se mi brinemo o nasoj lepoti!
O Mariji ne znam mnogo zato vas molim da doprinesete razvoju ove grupe. Zasluzuje.
bir forum yazısıdır.
Mariji:Bir özel isim olabilir.

Hotové preklady
Turecky Türkleri yendik; Bilmiyorum nasıl, ama
Zdrojový jazyk
Tento preklad je ´Len zmyseľ´
Španielsky hola yuwadee como estas como esta frank quiero...
hola yuwadee como estas como esta frank quiero comunicarme contigo peró no hé podido, quiero saber de frank como ésta, te voy a enviar esta carta para poder saber como puedo enviarte para frank lo que necesite, enviame un telefono para poder comunicarme contigo,luego si tienes un hotmail.hazme saberlo para poder comunicarnos.hasta pronto muchos besos para frank y no lo é olvidado.
yuwadee es el nombre de una mujer y porsupuesto fran de un hombre

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Thajština สวัสดียุวดี สบายดีไหม แล้วแฟรงค์ล่ะ ฉันอยาก...
Zdrojový jazyk
Španielsky hola bueno supongo que no entendiste lo que te...
bueno supongo que no entendiste lo que te escribi abajo
solo quiero decirte que me encanto tu hi5 esta super lindo
bueno cuidate mucho
espero conocerte mas

Hotové preklady
Thajština สวัสดี ฉันเดาว่าเธอคงไม่เข้าใจสิ่งที่
Zdrojový jazyk
Španielsky que haces? muchacha bonita.
que haces? muchacha bonita.

Hotové preklady
Thajština คำแปลนะคะ
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