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Originálny text - Bosenština - cao amela pa gdje si nema te hajde javi se kad...

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cao amela pa gdje si nema te hajde javi se kad...
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Pridal(a) jih160876
Zdrojový jazyk: Bosenština

cao amela pa gdje si nema te hajde javi se kad stignes pa morat ces doci do nas u vordingborg na kaficu ljubimo

hej cico maco super sto smo se cule vidimo se uskoro nadam se.... kramic od nas
14 februára 2010 15:34

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14 februára 2010 16:03

Počet príspevkov: 4611
Hi Ernst.Same requester.Seems the econd line is the same as you rejected a moment ago (double request).
The irst line I don't know!!!

CC: Bamsa

14 februára 2010 23:43

Počet príspevkov: 1524
Tak Lene

Det var faktisk denne amnodning som gjorde at jeg slettede den anden.. Derfor kan vi oversætte den Du kan bede fikomix om en bro, men nu er det sådan at fikomix ikke har været online siden den 1 februar, ellers ved jeg at maki_sindja forstår bosnisk

CC: gamine

15 februára 2010 12:47

Počet príspevkov: 4611
Hello Maki. Don't know if you can help me with this one. Fikomix doesn't log in anymore and I now you understand Bosnian. If you don't have time just let it down.

CC: maki_sindja

15 februára 2010 13:35

Počet príspevkov: 1206
"Hi Amela. Where are you? I haven't seen you around. Call me when you have time. Well, you'll have to come to us in Vordingborg to have a cup of coffee. We send you kisses

Hey pussycat, it's great that we heard from each other. See you soon, I hope so (I hope I'll see you soon).... 'Kramic' from us"

This is a little bit free translation 'cause I wasn't sure how to say some phrases in other words.
I don't know what 'kramic' is.

15 februára 2010 13:40

Počet príspevkov: 4611
Thanks so much, dear Maki. I really do appreciate your help.

15 februára 2010 13:43

Počet príspevkov: 1206
And I really enjoy helping you!