Hi swe27
Wow, I'm impressed, you got this to rhyme
I think you should use "have to" rather than shall, as the original is quite imperative.
I wonder whether we could shorten the second line, which is a bit "clumsy". I thought we might be able to put "you should obey me when I yell" (so as it rhymes with "infidel"

Third line - what about "Instead of running after mice". "Mice" and "night" are close enough rhymes.
Then "You have one habit that I dread
Of sneaking out to the trees
When I have made you some bread
With sauce and gruyère cheese
You're lucky to have a mistress
As patient as I am
And ready to give you a caress
For behaviour I should condemn"
This is only a suggestion, you seem to know how difficult poetry can be.
Let me know what you think