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11Prevod - Engleski-Makedonski - Laughter is the music of the soul

Trenutni statusPrevod
Ovaj tekst je raspoloziv na sledecim jezicima: EngleskiUkrajinskiArapskiHebrejskiLatinskiBugarskiMakedonskiVijetnamski

Kategorija Izraz - Umetnost / Stvaranje / Mastanje

Laughter is the music of the soul
Podnet od darklight1990
Izvorni jezik: Engleski

Laughter is the music of the soul
Napomene o prevodu
I'm collecting ideas for a tattoo and this phrase has personal significance, so it would be great to find some linguistic variations on it!

Hebrew to be in Male dialect.

смеата е музика

Preveo lukisped
Željeni jezik: Makedonski

Смеата е музика на душата.
Napomene o prevodu
Accepted by an administrator on the basis of positive votes at the poll.
Poslednja provera i obrada od Bamsa - 20 Juni 2011 13:54