Olá, se fosse possivel traduzir estas frases ficaria muito grato,fui pai a umas semanas e queria usar estas frases para ele! obrigado pela atençao e boas festas..
Admin's note : * "Abençoado"; "Ediçao especial"; "Enviado do ceu" were removed as these are isolated words
Ilihaririwa mwisho na goncin - 26 Disemba 2008 19:14
so I left only the complete sentence "Aquele que do ceu veio para a terra", and removed "Abençoado"; "Ediçao especial"; "Enviado do ceu". If you want these to be translated, you've got to bother yourself and submit complete sentences including these words.
A native Portuguese speaker wouldn't have mixed up words in order to submit a sentence the way it was displayed before I removed it.
"Abençoado" was placed as a single word on one single line from this text, same as the two other words.
Requester will have to bother himself and submit a sentence that makes sense in his mother-tongue, or it won't be translated -according to our rules-