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Nakala asilia - Kigiriki - Oraia foto exeis balei.... Myrizei thalassa, exei...

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Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Oraia foto exeis balei.... Myrizei thalassa, exei...
Nakala ya kutafsiriwa
Tafsiri iliombwa na pp.carlton
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kigiriki

Oraia foto exeis balei.Myrizei thalassa, exei almira kai fos
27 Julai 2009 00:57

Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni


27 Julai 2009 11:00

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Hello Greek experts!

Could you please tell if this is correctly transliterated? THANKS

CC: reggina irini

27 Julai 2009 12:18

Idadi ya ujumbe: 5
It was not transliterated....It was written in Latin Chr so must be correct ;-)

27 Julai 2009 14:53

Idadi ya ujumbe: 12396
Hi pp! Second time I try to explain you :
eg : I'm French, and I write a text in French, but using Greek characters. Even if I know French well the transliteration I'll do won't be obligatorily correct.

Your Greek friends are very nice to write you in Latin characters, but for us it is different, it just makes the text more difficult to check.

So if ever you succeeded to ask them to simply send you messages in Greek, using the characters they have been using since they learned to write in Greece, translation process would be easier for everybody here at

You would have your translation faster, and we wouldn't have to bother ourselves with this checking process (of course, as far as the Greek text is not breaking our rules)

Do you understand better now, or do I have to develop my argumentation any further?

27 Julai 2009 17:50

Idadi ya ujumbe: 5
Hi francky
I understand you and we talked about that with them...they told us, and we saw that on our visit to greece that they dont care much and they write both ways....even in streets, in labels in posters you see greek and latin characters,
They even say that everyday is more frequent they write in latin characters and not in greek ones :-(.

hug and sorry

27 Julai 2009 18:30

Idadi ya ujumbe: 849
First of all the transliteration is correct.
Secondly: I am Greek and I can tell you that the Latin characters in signs and whatnot are either a) translations of the Greek written on the sign or b) transliteration of the name of the street, park whatever. Only the name gets transliterated.

Greeks use the Greek alphabet to write things down. If your friends say that Latin characters are more frequently used than the Greek ones they are either pulling your leg or something else is going on since this is a complete and utter lie.

27 Julai 2009 19:00

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Thanks for the reply irini!

27 Julai 2009 19:05

Idadi ya ujumbe: 12396
Thanks a lot for your input irini!
I released this request since transliteration is correct.