Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
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Tafsiri - Kiingereza-Kisabia - The calculated risk for Trisomy 21 is below the...

Hali kwa sasaTafsiri
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo: KiingerezaKisabia

The calculated risk for Trisomy 21 is below the...
Tafsiri iliombwa na maya83
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kiingereza

The calculated risk for Trisomy 21 is below the cut off wich represents a low risk.After the result of the Trisomy 21 test it is expected that among 4822 women with the same data,there is one woman with a trisomy 21 pregnancy and 4821 women with not affected pregnancies.The calculated risk by prisca depends on the accuracy of the information provided by the referring physician.Please note that risk calkulations are statistical approaches and have no diagnostic value.
Maelezo kwa mfasiri
<edit>"expekted" with "expected"</edit>

Rizik da se oboli od Daunovog sindroma..

Ilitafsiriwa na tia-antidote
Lugha inayolengwa: Kisabia

Prema proceni, rizik da se oboli od Daunovog sindroma je ispod granične vrednosti, čime spada u grupu smanjenog rizika. Testovi su pokazali da od 4822 žena istih godina i stadijuma trudnoće, jedna žena nosi plod oboleo od Daunovog sindroma. Procenjeni rizik zavisi od tačnosti podataka pribavljenih od nadležnih lekara. Molim vas da uzmete u obzir da su ovi podaci samo statistički pokazatelji i da kao takvi ne mogu da služe u dijagnostikovanju.
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na maki_sindja - 4 Januari 2012 15:38