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538 Lugha ya kimaumbile There's something about the look in your eyes There's something about the look in your eyes Something I noticed when the light was just right It reminded me twice that I was alive And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight
My biggest fear will be the rescue of me Strange how it turns out that way, yeah
Could you show me dear... Something I've not seen? Something infinitely interesting Could you show me dear... Something I've not seen? Something infinitely interesting
Theres something about the way you move I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing More subtle than something someone contrives Your movements echo that I have seen the real thing Tafsiri zilizokamilika Il y a quelque chose dans ton ... Bakışın... | |
63 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Quelles sont les raisons qui vous ... Quelles sont les raisons qui vous ont amenée à choisir de vivre dans cette région? future rencontre avec une dame Anglaise qui arrive dans ma région pour y vivre sa retraite
Anglais britannique Tafsiri zilizokamilika What are the reasons which ... | |
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283 Lugha ya kimaumbile This little girl had been watching the lady in... This little girl had been watching the lady in blue play the harp, then let herself be cajoled into perform on an instrument which is way too big for her (watch her reach down for the bass strings). To me this earns her an upload to YouTube. Taken July 2007 at the Museum Tiroler Bauernhöfe (Tyrolean Farm Museum) at Kramsach, Tyrol. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Esta menina estava a ver a senhora de ... | |
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328 Lugha ya kimaumbile Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". Schones Wetter heute! Machen wir einen... Schones Wetter heute! Machen wir einen Spaziergang? Ich habe eine idee.Gehen wir baden! Baden!Prima!Schnell,holt zwei Taschen! Bitte,hier!packst du die Sachen? Naturlich,gleich.So,drei Badetucher,die Bademutzen und die Sonnenhute.. vergiss das Sonnenol nicht!Nimm auch di Brillen! Rossen,wo ist der Liegestuhl? Das weis ich nicht.Aber wir Nehmen den Liegestuhl nicht.Ich hole gleich die Luftmatratze.Brauchen wir noch was? Tafsiri zilizokamilika Ð”Ð½ÐµÑ Ðµ хубаво времето! Да Ñе разходим ли? | |
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325 Lugha ya kimaumbile Lucrurile mici pe care le facem si le spunem au... Lucrurile mici pe care le facem şi le spunem au mare importanţă în timp ce noi ne urmăm calea. Un gest frumos poate să ia povara umerilor obosiţi de drum. O vorbă bună poate îndulci inima precum o ploaie de vară peste florile însetate. Câtă bucurie ţâşneşte deodată din lucrurile mici şi simple, deci simplu, dar din suflet "LA MULŢI ANI!"
îţi urează cu ocazia zilei tale de naştere, părinţii Claudiei Este nevoie de o formulare aniversară, ca format al textului.
** corrected word: trăsneşte -> ţâşneşte Tafsiri zilizokamilika Small things we do and say have great ... Le piccole cose che facciamo e diciamo... | |
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141 Lugha ya kimaumbile Disapproval The Trachtenvereine disapprove of such excesses, even though at the local fête their young men will occasionally show off with some unconventional acrobatic displays. Tafsiri zilizokamilika Desaprovação | |