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96 Kaynak dil Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir. "يا مسبب الاسباب يا Øلال المشاكل يا ... "يا مسبب الأسباب يا Øلَال المشكلات يا شاÙÙŠ الأمراض"
یے وظیÙÛ Ø¹Ø´Ø§ Ú©ÛŒ نماز Ú©Û’ بعد 5 سو ورتبا پڈھنا ÛÛ’ اور
Before edit, text was in Latin characters : "Ya musbebal asbab ya helal mushklal ya shafi yl amraz". Ye wazifa esha ki namaz k bad 5 so mdrtba Perna he aur nenge.....
Note : part between quotation marks (in the text frame as well as the one above in he remarks field) is some prayer in Arabic.
Tamamlanan çeviriler Ya musbebal asbab | |
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71 Kaynak dil Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir. yalcin ya sen neden benle uqrasıyon ??? hep neden mesaj atıyon oqremebılırmıyom ??? deyıl kı Tamamlanan çeviriler Why Защо | |
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210 Kaynak dil Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir. argissime dr prophetia ispirato divina occulta... Largissime dr prophetia ispiratio divina occulta denuncians, et hoc mo prophetia no magis de pteritis , q. de psentibus, et de futuris est, cu utraq; possint esse abscodita, et a Deo revelata: et sic historia creationis, q. Moyses scripsit in Genesi. This passage is difficult for me to decipher b/c the author abbreviates many of the words. My impression is that he means to say something like: the greatest level of prophecy is knowledge of hidden facts, whether of the past, the present or the future, facts that are knowable only through divine revelation.
futurities --> futuris /wrong deciphered from he original/ <edited by Aneta B.> Tamamlanan çeviriler Prophecy | |
203 Kaynak dil Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir. voglio restare così magari fino in ... voglio restare così magari fino in fondo, il mondo attorno ormai, non mi interesa più, mi basta averti qui e stringerti così. mi basta un gesto tuo, un sorriso, una parola, e un attimo così vale un' eternità . accendi un fuoco e poi, restiamo soli. noi! Tamamlanan çeviriler I want to stay like this at least until... | |
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85 Kaynak dil Bu çeviri talebi yalnizca anlamla ilgilidir. ΕΛΕΟΣ ΠΙΑΑΑ Λοιπόν επειδή δεν γουστάÏω να ξυπνάω μÎσα στη νÏχτα και να δίνω εξηγήσεις δεν ξαναγÏάφω τίποτα!!ΕΛΕΟΣ ΠΙΑΑΑ" Before edit: "Loipon epeidh de goustarw na xipnaw mesa sth nyxta kai na dinw exhghseis, de xanagrafw tpt!! ELEOS PIAAA" Tamamlanan çeviriler That's enough! prevod sa engleskog | |
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