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Texto Original - Inglês - Hello, E. Through the Employee Advisory...

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Categoria Carta / Email - Negócios / Empregos

Hello, E. Through the Employee Advisory...
Texto a ser traduzido
Enviado por answergrape
Idioma de origem: Inglês

Hello, E.

Through the Employee Advisory Council, we can continue to build a bridge across continents , opening dialogue that is not US-centric, but embraces the aspirations and concerns of all our employees. I truly value our friendship, and look forward to seeing you again.
"This is the start of a beautiful friendship" (from 'CASABLANCA').

A. M.
Notas sobre a tradução
<edit by="goncin" date="2008-03-05">
Names abbreviated.
Último editado por goncin - 5 Março 2008 16:13