11/ este de treabă 12/ a lăsat să se completeze aplicanţii între ei 13/ e bulgaroaică de origine… 14/ uneori ajută ea, îşi dă seama de răspuns şi completează 15/ pune multe întrebări ca să vadă nivelul de franceză, nu ca să vă încurce 16/ e foarte amabilă, cu zâmbetul pe buze 17/ nu are intenţii malefice, iar reuşita interviului depinde în principal de voi şi nu de ea
Notas sobre a tradução
<edit> this text was taken off the Romanian text by me and put hereafter : "Здравейте, бихте ли превели този текÑÑ‚:" </edit> (05/03/francky) ----------------------------------------------
11/she is nice 12/she allowed the applicants to fill out each other’s answers 13/ she is of Bulgarian origin... 14/sometimes, she helps too, figures out the answer and completes it 15/she is asking many questions just to test out your French level, not to confuse you 16/she is very kind, always with a large smile on her lips 17/she doesn’t have any bad intentions, and the success of the interview depends, mostly, on you and not on her.
Notas sobre a tradução
Hope this helps the requester, I saw this text has been waiting for quite a long time for a translation. Was it the right thing to do or this is not allowed here on Cucumis?
Último validado ou editado por lilian canale - 14 Maio 2008 19:12
fill in
1. Informal to provide with information that is essential or newly acquired: 2. To act as a substitute; stand in: an understudy who filled in at the last minute.
fill out
1. To complete (a form, for example) by providing required information: carefully filled out the job application.