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Traduccions finalitzades

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Resultats 3101 - 3120 d'aproximadament 105991
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Idioma orígen
Turc çok tatlı çocuklar.bayıldım size ben.
çok tatlı çocuklar.bayıldım size ben.

Traduccions finalitzades
Castellà Los niños son muy amables. Los ...
Idioma orígen
Romanès Doar o viaţă nu ne ajunge să iubim.
Doar o viaţă nu ne ajunge să iubim.
Before edit:
doar o viata nu neajunge sa iubim

Traduccions finalitzades
Castellà La vida
Idioma orígen
Anglès What the press is saying:
What the press is saying:
After this phrase, comes a list of all kinds of reviews by bloggers and websites about my game.

Traduccions finalitzades
Francès Ce que dit la presse
Italià La stampa
Alemany Die Presse
Rus О чем говорит пресса:
Idioma orígen
La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
Castellà Un mismo cielo nos une
Un mismo cielo nos une
ok arabe irak

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès The same sky
Idioma orígen
Anglès creating a cultural tourism destination takes...
creating a cultural tourism destination takes strategic planning built on a understanding that there are different degrees of consumer motivation for culture and that most people are looking for a variety of things to do when they travel.

Traduccions finalitzades
Turc Kültür konusunda farklı açılarda...
Idioma orígen
La petició d'aquesta traducció és "només el significat"
Anglès Sprint training is an integral part of the...
Sprint training is an integral part of the overall training for track and field athletes, as well as field and court sports. Most sprint training focuses on drills and conditioning to develop acceleration and top speed straight sprinting. Past research and reports have been published regarding sprinting phases, including the acceleration, maximal speed and speed endurance phases.
Bu makale den bir kısım.Değişik bir yapısı var. İngilizcem çok kötü değildir ama anlayamadım. Bu kısmı tercüme etmeme yardım ederseniz çok sevinirim.

Traduccions finalitzades
Turc Sürat koşusu antrenmanı...
Idioma orígen
Anglès The Goverment requests the Esteemed Court to...
The Goverment requests the Esteemed Court to dismiss the said claims of just satisfaction on the grounds that no violation took place to be the basis of such claims.

Traduccions finalitzades
Turc Hükümet, mahkeme heyetinden böylesi iddiaların...
Idioma orígen
Anglès One morning when the master...
One morning when the master asked Joe to take a letter to a gentleman's house , john let him ride me.

Traduccions finalitzades
Turc Bir sabah Sahip...
Idioma orígen
Grec Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ. Δώσε τα φιλιά μου σε όλους...
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ. Δώσε τα φιλιά μου σε όλους εκεί

Traduccions finalitzades
Serbi Puno vam hvala. Ljubim vas sve tamo.
Idioma orígen
Italià Auguri XXX!
Auguri XXX! Che il nuovo anno possa portarti felicità e molta, moltissima fortuna!!!
Al posto di xxx c'è nome

La traduzione in polacco è destinata ad un uomo.

Traduccions finalitzades
Polonès Å»yczenia XXX!
Serbi ÄŒestitam, XXX!
12Idioma orígen12
Anglès Rate request
If you enjoy using [title], would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won't take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!
Rate [title]
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Traduccions finalitzades
Francès Demande d'attribution d'une note
Alemany Bewertungsanfrage
Portuguès brasiler Pedido de atribuição de uma nota
Italià Richiesta di valutazione
Suec Betygsättningsfråga
Noruec Forespørsel om stemming
Castellà velocidad de busqueda
Xinès simplificat 评分请求
Idioma orígen
Turc 2pac, dostum sen ölmedin; kalbimde ...
2pac, dostum sen ölmedin; kalbimde yaşıyorsun. Kader arkadaşım için 1 dakikalık saygı duruşu lütfen

<edit>before edit : "2pac dostum sen Ölmedin Kalbimde yaşıyorsun, kader arkadaşım için 1 dakikalık saygı duruşu lütfen"</edit> Thanks to Mesud2991 who provided us with the edited version

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès 2pac, you're not dead man...
Alemany Du bist nicht tot.
Idioma orígen
Danès Livet gÃ¥r videre, lev det.
Livet går videre, lev det.

Traduccions finalitzades
Llatí Vita progreditur, eam vive.
Idioma orígen
Castellà Sé el cambio que deseas ver
Sé el cambio que deseas ver
Se, es usado en su sentido de Ser como "yo soy alto" es el verbo conjugado

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Be the change you wish to see
Esperanto Estu la ŝanĝo kiu vi deziras vidi
Idioma orígen
Turc Seni seviyorum ve bunun sebebi yok.
Seni seviyorum ve bunun sebebi yok.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès I love you and there is no reason
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