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Traduccions finalitzades

Idioma orígen
Idioma destí

Resultats 88961 - 88980 d'aproximadament 105991
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Idioma orígen
Suec De senaste två åren
De senaste två åren
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduccions finalitzades
Castellà Los dos años pasados
Anglès The last two years
Idioma orígen
Búlgar Христо
разсипаният свят
нагърчил между зъби
сивите от скука мозъци,
щасливата печал
и стъпките нататък-
все едно
и как
ще преживеем
паметта си,

Traduccions finalitzades
Rus Христо
Idioma orígen
Romanès Bună dimineaÅ£a
Bună dimineaţa
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Good morning
Esperanto Bonan matenon
Hebreu בוקר טוב
Italià Buongiorno
Francès Bonjour
Rus Доброе утро
Idioma orígen
Anglès no so quel che mi succede quando sono insieme a...
I don't know what happens to me when I am beside you
your smile hypnotizes me
your glance yields to me
and there's nothing inside me
I melt like snow when the sun is near
[and when we go somewhere I never choose] because the only thing I want is to stay with you
My life revolves around you because there's something in your face and inside you that I like
it attracts me and it steals my heart
I just edited this, and I had to change quite a bit. But there's one phrase I still can't figure out: "and when we go somewhere I never choose" - so I put it in brackets, but my guess is that it means "I never choose to go anywhere with you" - that would make sense in the context of the rest of the line. But I don't understand why the requester didn't submit it in his/her own language - the English was quite difficult to fix. -- kafetzou

Traduccions finalitzades
Ucraïnès I don't know what happen
Idioma orígen
Anglès 1 I won 67 on the lottery, it was great! I'm...
I won 67 on the lottery, it was great! I'm going to buy myself a new CD player.
I was really lucky. I found 50 on the street. I was Walking along and there it was! I'm going to save the money.
I won 70 at the local fete. I'm Going to give the money to my grandmother. She can buy herself a present.
мне на завтра нужно тескст с Английского на Русский перевести помогите

Traduccions finalitzades
Rus Я выиграл
Idioma orígen
Croat ÄŒao! Kako si?
ÄŒao !!!!
Kako si? Ja sam dobro!!!!
Ja čecat ti!!! Među dvasetčetiri dani ja prodavati te!

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Hi! How are you?
Portuguès brasiler Olà!!! Tudo bom?
Francès Salut
Idioma orígen
Italià Inserendo questa funzione si possono eseguire...
Inserendo questa funzione si possono eseguire tutti cicli di lavaggio senza il riscaldamento dell`acqua,mentre rimangono invariate tutte le altre caratteristiche(livello d`acqua,tempi,ritmi di lavaggio ecc).Iprogrammi a freddo sono indicati per il lavaggio di tutti i capi di bancheria i cui colori non sono resistenti e per il lavaggio di tende,copriletti,fibre sintetiche particolarmente delicate,piccoli tappeti o tessuti poco sporchi.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès By inserting this function...
Serbi Uvodjenjem ove funkcije.....
20Idioma orígen20
Romanès Salut, noul meu prieten. Multumesc pentru...
Salut, noul meu prieten. Mulţumesc pentru surpriză, eşti un dulce. Sper că ai o seara plăcută. Eşti în gândurile mele. Cu drag, pupici

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Hello, my new friend. Thank you for...
Portuguès Olá meu novo amigo. Obrigado pela...
Idioma orígen
Xinès simplificat 汉语翻译成芬兰语

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Translate Chinese into Finnish
Finès Yksinäinen sydän
Idioma orígen
Portuguès brasiler Nao fique com ciumes
Nao fique com ciumes

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Don't get jealous
Neerlandès Wees niet jaloers
20Idioma orígen20
Romanès Dacă stelele mai pot dărui lumina
Dacă stelele mai pot dărui lumina,
Dacă cerul mai are lacrimi,
Dacă timpul mai îngăduie suflare e
pentru ca Dumnezeu vrea să-ţi
şoptească: Ai mare preţ în ochii mei!

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès If the stars can still give light as a gift
Italià Se le stelle possono ancora regalare la loro luce......
Idioma orígen
Suec Han har en flickvän i Göteborg.
Han har en flickvän i Göteborg.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès He has a girlfriend in Goteborg
Noruec Han har en kjæreste i Gøteborg
Idioma orígen
Danès Overfoering av uat
Overfoering av uat
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Changed the source-texts flag from Swedish --> Danish ("Overfoering" is not Swedish) /pias 110110.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Translation of "uat"
Idioma orígen
Portuguès brasiler Beijo. Muita Saudade
Beijo. Muita Saudade
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduccions finalitzades
Anglès Kiss. A lot of longing.
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