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Textul original - Ebraicã - hola

Status actualTextul original
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: EbraicãSpaniolă

Categorie Scriere liberă - Viaţa cotidiană

Text de tradus
Înscris de guyke8
Limba sursă: Ebraicã

היי מותק מה שלומך?
אני עכשיו ברוסריו בהוסטל נחמד.
גם אני מתגעגע ומאוד רוצה לראות אותך.
את חושבת שתגיעי לפה בסוף שבוע? אני ישמח מאוד אם כן.
מה איתך אך החזרה לשגרה? החברה שלך הגיע בשלום?
תודיעי לי מה איתך נשיקות חיבוק ועוד נשיקות.
14 Aprilie 2009 17:35

Ultimele mesaje


24 Aprilie 2009 15:04

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Another bridge here?

CC: milkman

24 Aprilie 2009 16:26

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 773
:Male to female

Hi Sweetie how are you?
I'm now in Rosario in a nice hostel.
I miss you too and really want to see you.
Do you think you'll arrive here for the weekend? I will be very happy if you would.
How is everything? How is going back to normal? Has your friend (female) arrived safely?
Please let me know how are you. Kisses, a hug and more kisses.

CC: lilian canale