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Textul original - Limba latină - Musca in temone sedit et mulam increpans : ...

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Musca in temone sedit et mulam increpans : ...
Text de tradus
Înscris de peter91
Limba sursă: Limba latină

Musca in temone sedit et mulam increpans :
«Quam tarda es !» inquit « non vis citius progredi ?
Vide ne dolone collum conpungam tibi. »
Respondit illa : « Verbis non moveor tuis;
Magistrum timeo sella qui prima sedens
Tergum flagello temperat lento meum
et ora frenis continet spumantibus.
Quapropter aufer frivolam insolentiam ;
Namque ubi non tricandum et ubi currendum sit, scio.»
Hac derideri fabula merito potest
qui sine virtute vanas exercet minas.
Observaţii despre traducere
je ne peu aider persone
23 Septembrie 2006 16:28

Ultimele mesaje


26 Octombrie 2010 12:49

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
Hi Serena,

May I have a bridge, please? I'll give you the points of the translation

CC: Efylove

2 Noiembrie 2010 13:47

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1015
A fly sits on a cart and rebuking a mule [feminine] says: "How slow are you! Don't you want to move faster? Be careful that I don't sting you with my sting". The mule answers: "I'm not moved by your words; I fear the driver sitting on the front saddle, who regulates my back with a slow staff and holds down my mouth with a foaming bit. So leave this useless arrogance; in fact I know when it is necessary to linger and when to run." He, who moves vain threats without bravery, can make fun of this tale.

2 Noiembrie 2010 13:47

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 1015
Don't want the point, don't worry.
Sorry for the delay.

2 Noiembrie 2010 17:26

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 12396
This philosophic poetry from Phedre (Greek philosopher) has inspired the poetry from Jean de la Fontaine, "le coche et la mouche"