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Traduction - Suédois-Anglais - Vad händer när rättvisan slutar fungera? När rätt...

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Vad händer när rättvisan slutar fungera? När rätt...
Proposé par tommysandstrom
Langue de départ: Suédois

Vad händer när rättvisan slutar fungera? När rätt förvandlas till orätt, när orätt kallas för rättvisa. När missriktade feministiska värderingar upphöjs till högsta lag. Han tar upp detta brinnande ämne i sin nästa bok.

Romanen bygger helt på verkliga händelser i dagens . Huvudpersonen blir utan någon saklig grund fängslad, tvingas byta bostadsort och kallas gång på gång till absurda polisförhör. Hans enda brott är att en gång i tiden ha blivit förälskad i fel kvinna.

What happens when justice fails?

Traduit par pias
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

What happens when justice fails? When what's right becomes wrong, when what's wrong calls for justice? When misdirected feministic appraisals achieve the highest law?. He brings up this burning subject in his next book.

The novel is based on true current events. The leading character is imprisoned for no clear reason, forced to move and called from time to time for some absurd questionings. His only crime is that he once fell in love with the wrong woman.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 3 Septembre 2008 18:16

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2 Septembre 2008 19:06

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi Pia,
I'm going to enhance in bold my suggestions, OK?
You tell me if they change the original meaning in any way.

What happens when justice fails? When what's right becomes wrong, when what's wrong calls for justice? When misdirected feministic appraisals achieve the highest law?. He brings up this burning subject in his next book.

The novel is based on true current events. The leading character is imprisoned for no clear reason, forced to move and called from time to time for some absurd questionings. His only crime is that he once fell in love with the wrong woman.

What do you think?

2 Septembre 2008 19:17

Nombre de messages: 8114
It looks super, thanks a lot, I think I will donate you half the points then Lilian

There is one part in your translation I don't understand ..."When what's right becomes, when what's wrong calls for justice?" Is it the same as: when right turn into wrong,when what's wrong calls for justice?" ?

2 Septembre 2008 19:41

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
I didn't understand your question.

But if what you ask is if "become" "transform" and "turn into" are all the same, I say yes.

2 Septembre 2008 19:47

Nombre de messages: 8114
Ok, that was the Q. I'll do the edits now! Thanks again.

2 Septembre 2008 22:03

Nombre de messages: 1084
I'm not comfortable with "calls for justice". I would say "is called justice". To me "Calls for" is more like "what's wrong demands justice".