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Texte d'origine - Latin - Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura...

Etat courantTexte d'origine
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: LatinAnglais

Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par darkgarden
Langue de départ: Latin

Nam quod in iuventu non discitur, in matura aetate nescitur.
Nam vitiis nemo sine noscitur,in magnis et voluisse sat est.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Edited: inventus --> iuventu (other option: iuventute).
I have also removed not needed caps and added punctuation to the request.
<Aneta B.>
Dernière édition par Aneta B. - 19 Mai 2012 15:30

Derniers messages


16 Mai 2012 20:54

Aneta B.
Nombre de messages: 4487
I'm sorry but the tekst is faulty:
"Nam quod in iuventu/iuventute non discitur, in matura aetate nescitur".

Moreover, it may be a homework.

16 Mai 2012 21:52

Nombre de messages: 1524
Thanks Aneta

Vi will treat it as a homework ... unless darkgarden gives a good reason for us to translate it

Hi darkgarden

Your translation request was removed for having violated the rule(s) reproduced below, which you agreed to when submitting your text on the proper page:

[3] NO HOMEWORK. The goal of is not to do your homework. This kind of request will be removed by the administrators.

Best regards

17 Mai 2012 04:01

Nombre de messages: 4
well,this is not homework .I graduated years ago. There is no homework for me any more. I am just curious with Latin will you help me to translate it ? thx

17 Mai 2012 20:26

Aneta B.
Nombre de messages: 4487
Dear darkgarden,
All right, we don't have reasons for not believing you.
Let's allow the request go then.


Hi Ernst,
I think we can leave the request. I'll just correct it first.

17 Mai 2012 20:31

Aneta B.
Nombre de messages: 4487

CC: Bamsa

17 Mai 2012 20:48

Nombre de messages: 1524
Ok, thanks Aneta